Sales Entry - FAQs


Sales Entry allows transaction counts for Sales Items (Recipe Items that are sold) to be manually entered if they cannot be imported as part of COGS-Well's normal Sales Mix collection from your POS system.

For example, you cater events, do banquets, do some retail sales, or book some online sales that are not processed through your Point of Sale system, and you would like these Sales Items included in your theoretical cost and usage as well as other sales reporting.

If you enter sales manually, they will process and report along with the Sales Items that are imported from your POS so they will be included in the sales mix, theoretical cost, theoretical usage, and menu analytics reports. Sales can only be entered for Sales Items.

Why Enter Sales Manually:

If sales mix, theoretical cost of sales, theoretical usage from sales, and/or sales item analytic reporting is important to you, and if you have transaction counts for Sales Items that you do not import from your POS system, then the Sales Entry features may make sense for you to use.

Initial Setup for Sales Entry:

Before you start entering Sales manually, there are some setup features (some optional and some required) that you will need to complete in advance.

Create Sales Items: If you do not already have recipes for the items that you want to manually enter sales counts for, then you will want to set up those Sales Items (recipe items that are sold) first. Please use this link for more information on Setting Up Recipe Items.

Sales Type: At least one "Sales Type" must be set up (an example is Catering Sales). A Sales Type is required when a sales count is entered so COGS-Well can differentiate these counts from the rest of your sales mix. Please click this link for an article on setting up Sales Types.

Sales Groups (Optional): You can, optionally, set up Sales Groups (an example is "Catering Sales Items") and assign Sales Items to one or more Groups. There is an option to enter Sales Counts for a selected Sales Group. Please use this link for more information on setting up Sales Groups.

Sales Templates (Optional): You can, optionally, set up Sales Templates and assign Sales Items to a Sales Template. There is an option to enter Sales Counts for a selected Sales Template. Please use this link for more information on setting up Sales Templates.

Enter Sales:

Navigate to Recipes & Sales>Entry>Sales to enter Sales counts manually. Criteria information will be requested (similar to other transaction processes). The sales entry grid is similar to other transaction entry grids. Please use this link for more information on Sales Entry.


The Sales features facilitate entering, reporting, and determining theoretical costs and inventory usage for Sales Item transactions that are not imported from your POS system.

If you would like coaching or help setting up Sales Entry features then please don't hesitate to contact us at

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