Menu Analytics - FAQs


Your POS system can tell you how popular a menu item is based on how well it sells, but it can't tell you how profitable a menu item is or how that profitability compares to your other menu items. 

If you have created recipes for your menu items (COGS-Well refers to them as "Sales Items"), COGS-Well can produce reports that will help you evaluate the performance of your Sales Items. This is accomplished by combining the cost or profit for each menu item with its popularity (popularity is based on the sales mix imported from your POS).

Things to Know:

  • Menu Analytics enables you to evaluate your menu based on the profitability and popularity of your menu items (Sales Items).
  • COGS-Well has several reports for providing Menu Analytics (see below).
  • The reports can be run in sales Category and Department summary or with Sales Item details.
  • Reports can also be run for any requested date range.
  • Reports can also be run using Model Prices for Sales Items versus their current Retail Price.

Menu Analytics Reports:

Theoretical Cost of Sales: The Theoretical Cost of Sales Report determines what your inventory cost of sales should be (theoretically), based on the recipe cost and quantity sold of each Sales Item, over a period. This report can be run in detail (includes each Sales Item) or summary (summarizes costs by Inventory Category).

Theoretical Profit from Sales: The Theoretical Profit from Sales Report determines what your total theoretical profit from sales should be, and what amount of that profit is coming from each Sales Item, based on the quantity sold and the recipe cost for each Sales Item, over a requested date range.  

Menu Engineering: The Menu Engineering Report ranks the popularity and profitability of each Sales Item based on its recipe cost, price, and quantity sold. It shows you your best, medium, and poor-performing sales items based on their contribution to total profits. For example, a Sales Item that is high profit and popular is ranked as a "Star".  A Sales Item that is low profit and not popular, is ranked as a "Dog".  

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