Measure Class - FAQs


Measure Class is the industry standard classification for how an item is packaged or priced by a vendor. There are three measure classes - Weight, Volume, and Count. An item sold by the pound or kilo is in the Weight Measure Class. An item sold by the gallon or liter is in the volume measure class and an item sold by each or bunch is in the Count Measure class.

Any item (Inventory, Combined, or Recipe) that is configured to be used in a recipe, is assigned a Primary Measure Class. This is done so that a Recipe Unit can be selected from COGS-Well's Recipe Unit Library for that class. For example, the Recipe Unit Library for the Volume Measure Class includes fluid ounces, teaspoons, cups, milliliters, and liters.

After a Measure Class is assigned to an item, COGS-Well's Recipe Unit Library enables you to use an item as an ingredient using fluid ounces as the recipe unit in one recipe, a cup in a different recipe, and milliliters in still another recipe. Any required conversions are made for you automatically. An example of using the Recipe Unit Library to select a Recipe Unit is below:

COGS-Well assigns a Primary Measure Class and Recipe Unit configuration to every inventory item that is used in recipes. This assignment is done automatically via COGS-Well's Standard Packaging Definitions and auditors. An example of the configuration for red onions in a 5 Lbs pack is below:

If an item is used in recipes for more than one Measure Class (onions are used by weight in some recipes, cup in others, and each in others), then you can add measure classes to an item. In the example above, recipe units can be added for Volume and Count.

Adding recipe units for additional measure classes enables you to access Recipe Units for all three Measure Classes in the Recipe Unit Library. It also enables COGS-Well to calculate theoretical cost and usage for the ingredient regardless of the recipe unit used. This link will explain how to configure recipe units for added measure classes. in detail.

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