New Sales Item Validation


Your COGS-Well system imports Sales Items and Sales Categories from your POS system so you don't have to add them manually. "New Sales Item Validation" is the process of ensuring that newly imported sales item information is correct. 

COGS-Well provides a free audit service (a team of auditors) that provides sales item validation for you. Unless you opt out of using this service, you will not need to know how to perform new sales Item Validation.

Things to know!

  • This feature will only be accessible and visible to users who are given access to it. Typically this will be a System Administrator. 
  • New Sales Items are automatically added to the database when they are encountered during a POS import. 
  • New Sales Items that need validation will be listed in the Validate New Sales Items function. The COGS-Well Dashboard, in the Alerts display, will also notify you of new Sales Items that need to be validated. 
  • If you click on a "New sales items imported but not yet validated" alert on the dashboard, it will take you directly to this same New Sales Item Validation feature. 
  • Validation consists of making sure the new Sales Item information is correct and assigning attributes such as a group, target cost, or recipe ingredients to the new Sales Item. 
  • The validation process for a new Sales Item uses the same feature as the Recipe Item Setup.
  • Once a new Sales Item has been validated, it will no longer be displayed on the Dashboard or in the Validate New Sales Items function. 

New Sales Item Validation:

To Validate New Sales Items, navigate to Recipes & Sales>Maintenance>New Sales Item Validation, or click the ">" next to the alert on the dashboard.  Upon selection, a screen similar to the one below will display a listing of all of your new Sales Items: 

To Validate a New Sales Item, click the "Edit" key in the row of the new Sales Item name that you wish to Validate. To delete a New Item, click the "Delete" key in the row of the Sales Item Name that you wish to delete.

Recipe Items and Other Tabs:

Select Edit a new Sales Item and you will see a screen similar to the display below:

The validation process now follows the same process as setting up a new Recipe Item. Please see help for Recipes & Sales>Setup>Recipe Items for coverage of all the tabs and fields in this function: Recipe Item Setup link.

Merge Into Existing Item: This option is not included in the normal Recipe Item setup. This function is used when the Sales Item that was imported turns out to be a duplicate item (already exists in the database). If a new Sales Item is a duplicate of a Sales Item that already exists, this feature will merge their Sales Counts. 

Save - Saves the count without exiting.

Delete - Deletes the new sales item. 

Exit -  Exit without saving.

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