Item Activity Listing


The Item Activity Listing shows all transaction activity (counts, orders, receipts, transfers, production, and waste) for a specified Item (Inventory, Recipe Item that is counted, or Combined Item). Item Activity is a good place to start looking for answers about an item such as where the item's usage or cost is coming from. 

Things to know!

  • This function will only be accessible and visible to users who are given access to this function. 
  • Activity for counts, orders, receipts, transfers, production, and waste is available for Inventory, Recipe items that are counted, and Combined Items. 
  • Item Activity is a good place to start looking for answers about an Item such as where the item's usage or cost is coming from. 
  • This listing is a great place to view the "life cycle" of an item from when you ordered it, to when it was last counted. 

Item Activity:

To access the Item Activity Listing, navigate to Inventory>Listings>Item Activity.  Upon selection, a screen similar to the one below will display:

Select a Begin and End Date for the date range you wish to view. Enter the Item that you want to view (you can type a description to search or use the drop-down search).  An Item can be an Inventory, Recipe Items that are counted, or Combined Item. 

Counts Tab:

Below is an example where the Counts Tab has been selected for 12/14 Bacon:  

In the above example, you are viewing all the Count activity for the  12/14 Bacon Inventory Item. Each row represents an Inventory Count that was entered and saved. The information in each column cannot be edited via this Listing. Each column in the above display has a search function that enables you to search within that field. 

Orders Tab:

Below is an example where the Orders Tab has been selected for 12/14 Bacon: 

In the above example, you are viewing all the Order activity for the 12/14 Bacon Inventory Item. Each row represents an Inventory Order that was entered and saved. The information in each column cannot be edited via this Listing. Each column in the above display has a search function that enables you to search within that field. At the bottom of the screen, the total Quantities and Amounts for all Orders are displayed.  

Receipts Tab:

Below is an example where the Receipts Tab has been selected for 12/14 Bacon: 

In the above example, you are viewing all the invoice receipt activity for the 12/14 Bacon Inventory Item. Each row represents an Inventory Receipt that was entered and saved. The information in each column cannot be edited via this Listing. Each column in the above display has a search function that enables you to search within that field. At the bottom of the screen, the total Quantities and Amounts for all Receipts are displayed.  

Transfers Tab:

Below is an example where the Transfers Tab has been selected for 12/14 Bacon: 

In the above example, you are viewing all the transfer activity for the 12/14 Bacon Inventory Item. Each row represents an Inventory Transfer that was entered and saved. The information in each column cannot be edited via this Listing. Each column in the above display has a search function that enables you to search within that field. At the bottom of the screen, the total Quantities and Amounts for all Transfers are displayed.  

Production and Waste Tabs:

If you are tracking production and/or waste, and if the item you selected has production or waste activity, it will show in these two tabs in a similar way as the other tabs. 

View Report:

The View Report button on the bottom right of each tab will enable you to print or preview a report showing the activity on that tab.  Below is an example of the View Report option having been selected for the Receipts tab:

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