Waste Entry


The Waste Entry feature enables you to enter or review Waste Counts.  Waste is the quantity of an Inventory or Recipe Item that you waste due to spoilage, mishandling, etc. When Waste Counts are entered, theoretical usage and inventory on hand are adjusted to include Waste Counts.

Things to know!

  • This feature will only be accessible and visible to users who are given access to it. 
  • This feature will only be accessible if you have enabled the waste feature in Company Settings. 
  • Waste Counts can be entered for Items that are assigned to Waste Item Groups. For more information please see the help for the Waste Item Group setup  Waste Item Groups link.
  • Waste counts can first be recorded on a "Waste Worksheet" (see Recipe Reports) and then be entered via the Enter Waste function, or they can be entered directly via a mobile Tablet.
  • Inventory and Recipe Items (including Production and Sales Items) can be entered as Waste.
  • An Item's Waste cost is based on its current recipe.
  • When Waste Counts are entered, theoretical usage and inventory on hand are adjusted to include Waste Counts. 
  • A Worksheet is available for recording Waste via Recipes & Sales>Reports>Waste Worksheet.

Waste Entry:

To add, review, edit, or delete waste counts, navigate to Recipes & Sales>Entry>Waste. Upon selection, a "Find Grid" similar to the one below will display a listing of all of your Waste Counts. 

Each column in the above display has a search function that enables you to search within that field. A global search option is at the top of the display. To add a new Count, select the "+" key.

To view or edit an existing count, click the "Edit" key in the row of the count you wish to edit. To delete a count, click the "Delete" key in the row of the Count that you wish to delete.

Add or Edit Waste Counts:

When you select to add a new Waste Count or Edit an existing Count, a screen like below will display. If you are editing an existing Count, then the Waste Date, Site, and Waste Item Group fields cannot be changed:

Criteria Tab:

Site: Enter the Site (use drop-down search or type to search) that you are entering the Order for.  You will only be asked to enter a site if you are logged into your Company. 

Waste Date: Enter the date (use calendar search) that the Waste occurred.

Waste Item Group: This is an optional field.  Groups are helpful if you are planning to enter a Count for a limited number of items, or perhaps only Items that you assigned to a Waste Item Group. 

Next or Close: The next button will advance you to the Entry tab. The close button will close this transaction. 

Items Entry Tab:

Once you have added your Criteria, click on the "Next" or the "Entry" tab and a screen similar to below will display. If you are entering a new Count, the Pack and Count Quantities will be empty.  If you are editing a Count, then the previous entries will display:

All Items meeting the Criteria will be displayed in the entry grid. Use the column search options to search for specific items or packaging sizes.

Pack Cost: This is a display of what it currently costs to purchase or make an Item.

Pack Quantity and Pack Size: You can enter waste counts for an item either by Pack Size, Count Unit, or both. The Pack Size description is in the column directly to the right of Pack Quantity. In the example above for Onion Rings, you could waste 1 pack and 1 bag. 

Total: This is the total cost for each wasted item based on its pack cost and the quantity wasted.

Comments: You can optionally include a comment about a wasted item in the comments column.  This is free-form text. An example might be "Spoilage" or "Dropped on the Floor".  

Save, Save & Exit Send to Vendor and Exit

At the bottom of the screen are the Save, Save & Exit, Send to Vendor, and Exit buttons.

Save - Saves the count without exiting.

Save & Exit - Saves and exits the count.

Exit -  Exit without saving.

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