New Vendor Validation


Your COGS-Well system imports invoices, with vendor information and inventory item details, so you don't have to enter the information manually. New Vendor Validation is the process of ensuring that newly imported vendor information is correct. 

COGS-Well provides a free audit service that performs New Vendor Validation for you. Unless you opt out of using this service, you will not need to know how to perform New Vendor Validation.

Things to Know!

  • COGS-Well support will typically do New Vendor Validation for you as part of our Receiving Audit Service.  
  • New Vendors are automatically added to the database when they are encountered during a Vendor Integration update. 
  • New Vendors that need validation will be listed in the Validate New Vendors function. The COGS-Well Dashboard, in the Key Metrics display, will also notify you of new Vendors that need to be validated. 
  • Validation consists of making sure the new Vendor information is correct and assigning attributes such as Sites, etc. to the new Vendor. 
  • The validation process uses the same process as the add/edit Vendors (Inventory>Setup>Vendors). Please see the help on this function if required. Vendor Setup link.
  • Once a new Vendor has been validated, it will no longer be displayed on the Dashboard or in the Validate New Vendors function. 

New Vendor Validation:

To Validate New Vendors, navigate to Inventory>Maintenance>New Vendor Validation, or click on ">" on the Alerts Dashboard if it lists that there are new vendors not yet validated. Upon selection, a screen similar to the one below will display a listing of all of your new Vendors.

Each column in the above display has a search function that enables you to search within that field. A global search option is at the top of the display.

To Validate a New Vendor, click the "Edit" key in the row of the New Vendor name you wish to Validate. To delete a New Vendor, click the "Delete" key in the row of the Vendor Name that you wish to delete.

New Vendors:

Select usesEdit a new Vendor and you will see a screen similar to the one below:

Please see help for Inventory>Setup>Vendors for coverage of all the tabs and fields in the above display: Vendor Setup link.

Show Items List: We are explaining this button first because we recommend that if you are uncertain as to whether a vendor should be added to your database, then the show items button list is helpful because it will show the inventory items that were received from this new vendor. Click the button to view the items to see if this is a vendor you need to add to the database or exclude from import (see below). 

Merge Into Existing Vendor: This button is used when the vendor already exists in the database, but was added under a different name or spelling. Click this button to invoke a search of vendors and type in some of the new vendor's name to see if there is a possible duplicate. If this vendor is a duplicate, then you can Merge this vendor into the existing one. 

Exclude this Vendor From Import: This is an option not to import invoices from this Vendor in the future. Most COGS-Well customers are only importing items from food and beverage vendors and if an invoice gets scanned into COGS-Well from a vendor that only delivers paper, linen, or cleaning supplies then this vendor can be excluded from future imports. 

Save - Saves the new Vendor. Use this button when the vendor is not a duplicate and they are delivering items that you want to track in your inventory database. 

Delete - This will delete the new vendor. Be careful using this button because you may need to find the invoice associated with this vendor later. 

Exit -  Exits without saving.

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