Financial Detail Report


The Financial Detail Report provides detailed reporting on the financial information collected from your POS system for sales, payments, taxes, comps, discounts, tips, and statistical totals. This report can be run for a specific Financial Category or Revenue Center, and these values can optionally report in detail or in summary. 

Things to Know:

  • The POS+ product is required to provide the Financial features. 
  • Only users that have been granted access to financial reports will see these features.  
  • The financial information in this report is collected from your POS system and includes the POS totals for each Financial Category (sales, payments, taxes, comps, discounts, tips, and statistical totals). 
  • For an overview of COGS-Well's financial features, please click this link: What are Financial Features?

Financial Detail Report:

Navigate to Financial>Reports>Financial Detail. If we select to run the Financial Detail Report, then we will see a report options display as shown in the example below:

Begin and End Dates: Pick the date or date range you desire by using the drop-downs.

Financial Categories: COGS-Well has created a set of Financial Categories that summarize POS total values into sales, payment, taxes, comps, discounts, tips, and statistical financial categories.  You can use the drop-down to view and select a specific financial category.  If you leave this field blank then it will report for all categories. 

Revenue Centers: Revenue Centers are imported from your POS. They are used to capture and report transactions for a specific source of revenue (examples are dine-in, take-out, bar, delivery, and online orders).  You can use the drop-down to view and select a specific revenue center.  If you leave this field blank then it will report for all revenue centers. 

Summarize into Daily Totals: If you do not select to summarize, the report will show the activity for each POS total by the hour (if data is available). If you select to summarize, the activity will report for each POS Total for the day.  

Summarize Revenue Centers: This option for the report will summarize the POS Totals for all of the revenue centers within each Financial Category. 

Summarize Financial Categories: This option for the report will summarize the Revenue Centers for each Financial Category. 

Example Financial Detail Report: 

Below is an example of a Financial Detail Report (no filters for a category, revenue center, or summaries selected):

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