GL Posting Details Report


The GL Posting Details Report provides reporting on POS Totals and GL accounts that are set up in the GL Account Map. Financial Category and Revenue Center detail is included. Debit and credit values are listed for each GL Account.  

Things to Know:

  • The POS+ product is required to provide the Financial functions. 
  • Only users that have been given access to this report will see this feature. 
  • This report includes the Financial Category, POS Total, and Revenue Center debit or credit values for the GL Account that it has been mapped to. Financial GL Account Maps are set up and maintained in the Financial Setup menu. 
  • For an overview of COGS-Well's financial features, please click this link: What are Financial Features?

GL Posting Details Report:

Navigate to Financial>Reports>GL Posting Details. If we select GL Posting Details, then we will see a report options display as shown in the example below:

Site: If you are logged into the company, you will be asked for a Site.  Use the drop-down to select your desired Site. 

Begin and End Dates: Pick the date or date range using the drop-downs.

Totals by Day: Check this box if you are running for a date range and you want to isolate each day. 

Example Report: 

Below is an example of a GL Posting Detail Report:

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