Revenue Centers


COGS-Well's POS+ product will import financial and statistical totals from your POS system. The Financial Setup features enable you to confirm and optionally rename these POS totals, as well as to map these totals to your desired financial reporting format and General Ledger Accounts. Revenue Centers represent how you track and report your revenue and they are imported exactly the way you have them set up on your POS system. 

Things to Know:

  • Financial features will only show up on your menu if you have subscribed to the POS+ product.  
  • Only users that have been given access to the financial features will see these features. 
  • COGS-Well support typically does the initial import of your POS totals.  This import will set up the Revenue Centers automatically. You only need to visit the Revenue Centers setup feature if you want to view the totals, modify a total name, make a total inactive, or merge a total. 
  • This feature is primarily an audit tool.  
  • If you need to add or change a POS Revenue Center or Financial Total, then this normally should be done in your POS system.  
  • For an overview of COGS-Well's financial features, please click this link: What are Financial Features?

Revenue Centers:

The Revenue Center Setup feature enables you to rename, validate, deactivate, or merge Revenue Centers.  Revenue Centers are imported and presented in COGS-Well the way they have been set up in your POS system. This function is primarily an audit tool. If we select the Revenue Centers feature from the Financial Setup Menu, then we will see a display similar to the one below:

The Revenue Center display will list all of the revenue centers that have been imported from your POS system. It also has columns to indicate the Accounting Code for the Revenue Center and the POS Financial POS Map that it comes from.  You can edit a revenue center name, validate the revenue center, make it inactive if you do not want to use it, and merge it into another revenue center if you want to combine values.  The thumbs-up button on the upper right of the display will validate all revenue centers.  

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