Resolve Cost Alerts


COGS-Well provides Cost Alerts when the Pack Cost for an Inventory Item changes substantially from a previous Invoice receipt. Sometimes these Alerts are legitimate and sometimes they are the result of an error during the invoice import. The COGS-Well Receiving Audit team audits and resolves significant Cost Alerts for you. This feature is somewhat complex and if you have any doubts about using this feature then please contact so we can help or make the updates for you.  

Things to know!

  • Only system administrators will have access to this function.
  • Cost Alerts result when a Pack Cost changes significantly on a current invoice, as compared to the previous invoice, and for an item that has the same vendor item code.
  • The COGS-Well Receiving Audit team audits and resolves significant Cost Alerts for you.
  • This feature is somewhat complex and if you have any doubts about using this feature then please contact so we can help or make the updates for you.   

Resolve Cost Alerts:

Navigate to Tools > Maintenance > Resolve Cost Alerts and you will see a display similar to below:

When you select the Resolve Cost Alerts function all Cost Alerts are displayed.  The Alerts are being created because two items with the same vendor item code have a pack cost on a current invoice that is significantly different than it was on a previous invoice. 

If we select to edit the cost alert for Decaf Fto Blend coffee then we will see the display below: 

We received Decaf Fto Blend coffee on 2/24/2020 in a 5 Lbs pack size for $41 for 1 pack.  20 days prior (the previous invoice date), we received 2 packs of this same item for $9.95 per pack. The alert has occurred because the vendor's item code is the same for both inventory items and the pack price has changed significantly.  

The top of the above display provides the item name, the vendor's item code, the pack size, and the site. The item field is for other items you receive from the same vendor.  If the wrong item was received, you can change it here.   

Values: Current Values are showing the most current receiving record and Previous Values are showing the prior receiving record.   

Snippets: The snippets as the bottom of the above display show the line item detail for this item from the current and previous invoice.  This is a fast way to determine whether the previous or current invoice is correct. In this example, we can see that the current values are in line with the current snippet, but the previous values are not. The cost for a 5 Lbs pack is $41.00 - not $9.95. 

Previous Values are Wrong: In the above example, we have determined that the previous values are wrong. The cost for a pack should have been entered as $41.00 - not $9.95.   If we check the box, the screen will display fields to enter the new (correct) previous values (see below).  In the below example, we will change the $9.95 to $41.00. 

New Current Values: If the current values are incorrect, then you can enter the correct values in the New Values fields that are under Current Values (see below).  

Save, Exit, Show Batch:

Save: Select Save to save any changes or additions. 

Exit: Select Exit to exit system.  Any changes will not be saved. 

Show Batch: If an image is available of the current invoice with the Item that generated the alert, click on this button to display the entire invoice.  An example is below.  It is interesting to note that below we can see that previous item used in the examples above for Decaf FTO Blend is actually a 1 LBS bag with a different vendor item code:

Show Previous Batch: If an image is available of the previous invoice with the Item that generated the alert, click on this button to display the entire invoice.  

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