POS Financial Maps


The POS Financial Maps feature provides a way to view all of the imported POS Financial totals and their mapping, in one place. It also includes a Financial Category Map that allows you to define "collection granularity" (daypart detail) for your Financial Categories.  

Mapping should normally be handled by COGS-Well support. Unless you have a strong understanding of this feature, we request that you contact support@cogs-well.com.

Things to Know:

  • Financial features will only show up on your menu if you have subscribed to the POS+ product.  
  • Only users who have been set up with access to financial features will see the POS Financial Maps feature. 
  • Mapping should normally be handled by COGS-Well support. Unless you have a strong understanding of this feature, we request that you contact support@cogs-well.com.
  • COGS-Well support typically does the initial import POS totals.  This import will establish the Revenue Centers and POS Totals in COGS-Well and they will be presented according to how they have been set up in your POS system. 
  • COGS-Well provides a set of predefined Financial Categories.  Financial Categories are used to roll up the values of POS Totals or Statistics for POS for reporting.  They are also utilized for reporting and posting values to your GL (General Ledger). COGS-Well assigns your POS totals to the proper Financial Categories as part of the initial setup.
  • Granularity (daypart totals) can be configured for Financial Totals for reporting (Full day, Hourly, Half-Hourly, or Quarter-Hourly).    
  • If you need to add or change a POS Revenue Center or Financial Total, then this normally should be done in your POS system.  
  • If you do add or change a POS Revenue Center or Financial Total in your POS system, then you may need to update the mapping in the COGS-Well POS Financial Map.
  • For an overview of COGS-Well's financial features, please click this link: What are Financial Features?

POS Financial Maps:

The POS Financial Map feature can be utilized to view Financial Category, Revenue Center, and POS Total maps; and to define the collection granularity (dayparts) for Financial Categories. 

To access the POS Financial mapping function, navigate to Financial>Setup>POS Financial Maps, and upon selection, a display like the below will display:

The display above will show a listing of the POS Financial Maps that have been set up in your system (typically one per Site).  To add a new map (typically done by COGS-Well support), click the plus ("+") button.  To edit or delete a POS Financial Map, click on edit or delete on the right side of the map.  

General Tab: 

If we select to edit a POS financial map, we will land on the General Tab and see a display like the one below:

In the above example, the POS Map will already have a name given by COGS-Well support.  The source POS will also be defined by COGS-Well support.  

Financial Category Maps Tab:

COGS-Well has a set of pre-existing Financial Categories for sales, payment, taxes, comps, tips, discounts, and statistical values. These categories are used to roll up your POS totals for financial reporting and for reporting or posting financial information to your General Ledger. 

As part of the initial setup and POS import, COGS-Well support maps your POS Financial totals to proper Financial Categories. If we select the Financial Category maps tab, we will see a display like the one below:

The above example displays COGS-Well's Financial Categories. COG-Well maps your POS financial totals to the appropriate financial categories as part of the interface setup provided by COGS-Well support.  

Collect: All categories should be checked for collection unless there is a category you do not wish to collect. 

Collection granularity is assigned for each category.  The options are Full Day, Hourly, Half  Hourly, and Quarter Hourly.  The granularity you select will be reported on the Financial reporting (for example, if you would like to see Statistical Totals by the hour then you can configure that here).

COGS-Well can calculate daypart values for Financial Categories because we import the transaction detail log from your POS system which includes a timestamp for each transaction.   

Revenue Center Maps Tab: 

If we select the Revenue Center maps tab, we will see a display like the one below:

The above is an example of a revenue center map. "Mapped Class" names for revenue centers are maintained in the Financial Setup feature for Revenue Centers (they default to the name used by your POS system).

The plus key will add a secondary mapping. You can also merge or delete a revenue center. The POS Revenue Center names and codes are imported and displayed in accordance with how they are set up in your POS system.  

There is no reason to make changes to a POS revenue center code unless you see a POS revenue center that is not mapped to the correct COGS-Well class name.  This will normally only occur if a revenue center name is changed on your POS after it has initially been mapped to a COGS-Well class.  

POS Total Maps Tab: 

If we select the POS Total maps tab, we will see a display like the one below:

The above is an example of a POS Total map. "Mapped POS Total" names are maintained in the Financial Setup feature for POS Totals (they default to the name used by your POS system). COGS-Well support will map each POS total to the appropriate Financial Category.  The category name is above each POS total name that is mapped to it. 

The plus key will add a secondary mapping. You can also merge or delete a POS total. You can Please know, however, that COGS-Well will only reflect what has been defined in your POS system. 

You can collapse or expand the financial categories by clicking on the down arrow next to the category, or using the up or down arrows on the button bar on the top right.  

There is no reason to make changes to the source POS total code unless you see a POS total name that is not mapped to the correct COGS-Well POS total.  This will normally only occur if a POS total name is changed on your POS after it has initially been mapped to a COGS-Well. 

POS Client Downloads Tab: 

This is a COGS-Well Support feature. 

Save and Exit:

Click on the Save button to save your new or modified POS Financial Map. Click on the Exit button to Exit.   

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