Recipe Item Setup - Assigned Recipe Items


There are multiple tabs on the Recipe Item setup feature. The explanations for each tab are somewhat lengthy so individual articles exist for the tabs in the Recipe Item Setup feature.  This article covers the tab for "Recipe Items".  

Things to know!

  • The Recipe Items tab will show all the Recipe Items that the recipe item you are viewing is used as an ingredient in. 
  • This tab only displays when the recipe item you are viewing is used as an ingredient in other recipe items. 
  • The display will include information about the Recipe Unit, the quantity of the Recipe Unit used in the Recipe, and the Yield % (if yields are enabled). 
  • A Recipe Item can be added to another Recipe Item using this feature. 
  • Recipe ingredients are normally setup up via Recipes & Sales>Setup>Recipe Items.  The Recipe Items tab is just a convenient way to see what recipe items that the item you are viewing is used in.  
  • The recipe items tab can also be utilized to make a modification to a recipe item you are viewing, which is common to multiple recipe items that it is used in. 
  • There are separate help articles for the other tabs associated with the Recipe Item Setup Feature.  

Recipe Item Setup - Recipe Items Tab:

The "Recipe Items" tab will show you all the other recipe items that the recipe item you are viewing (in this example it is Breakfast Gravy) is used in and the quantity used. This tab only displays when the recipe item you are viewing is used as an ingredient in other recipe items. Below is an example using Breakfast Gravy:

The Recipe Items tab is displaying other recipe items that utilize breakfast gravy prep as an ingredient. We can see that breakfast gravy is used in the biscuits and gravy and the gravy 4 oz recipe items. We can see the recipe unit and the quantity used for breakfast gravy in each recipe item.  

It also displays the Recipe Unit, the quantity of Recipe Units, the Recipe Unit Cost, and the Total Cost for the inventory item you are viewing. If Yields are enabled in your company settings, it will also list the Yield %.

You can change the recipe unit, the quantity, and the yield %, or enter a comment (the fields in light blue) on this screen. This feature is handy if you have 3 or 4 recipes that you want to make the change for this inventory item, at the same time. 

If you wanted to use a different recipe unit, you could change it for multiple Recipe Items here. Or you could make a change in the quantity of a recipe unit that is common to multiple recipe items. 

Please note that there is another way to make "mass changes" to ingredients in recipe items via the Ingredient Switch feature that is available via Recipes & Sales>Maintenance>Ingredient Switch.  

Save, Delete, and Exit:

At the bottom of the screen are the Save, Delete, and Exit buttons.

Save - Saves the entry or entries without exiting.

Delete - Deletes the Item. You will be asked, "Are you sure"?

Exit -  Exits without saving any new entries or edits.

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