Release Notes - Version 21.06.01


Release 21.06.01 will go live the week of June 21st, 2021. A summary of the updates and enhancements contained in this release is below.  Additional detail on new features or enhancements is listed below this overview: 

  • A Calculated Inventory On-Hand column has been added to the Ordering Worksheet and Enter Order feature.
  • A Par Level column can be included on the Ordering Worksheet and Enter Order feature. 
  • The Column Selector feature has been added to the Enter Order feature (this is handy for entering orders on a tablet). 
  • Labor costs can be added to recipes and can be included in reports that utilize recipe item costs. 
  • Packaging Recipes can be created. 
  • The Ingredient Search report can now be run for all ingredients. 
  • There is a new Weekly Sales Mix report.
  • The Cost Alert reporting can now include multiple sites. 
  • We have a new Clover POS interface.
  • We have a new Upserve POS interface.
  • We have a new US Foods Interface - orders and invoices.
  • We have a new BiRite interface - orders and invoices. 
  • We have a new Quickbooks Desktop interface - inventory count, transfer, production, and financial journal adjustments. 

More Detail:

More detailed explanations of the updates and enhancements listed above are provided below: 

New "On-Hand" Column for Ordering: An "On-Hand" column is now included on the Enter Order display and the Order Worksheet. The on-hand column will show the theoretical on-hand calculation for each item. On-hand is a calculation of how much of each item should be on-hand based on its inventory transactions since the last count and its theoretical usage from sales since the last count. Please click this link for a deeper explanation of Theoretical On-Hand.  

New "Order To" (Par Level) Column for Ordering: An "Order To" column is now included on the Enter Order display and the Order Worksheet when you select a PAR Level or Suggested Order Type as part of your criteria. As a reminder, Par Levels and Suggested Order Types can be used to generate "Suggested Order" quantities. If you desire more information on suggested ordering, please click this link to FAQs on Ordering Options.  

New Column Selector for Ordering: The Column Selector that we created for the Enter Inventory Counts feature has been added to the Enter Orders feature. This feature is designed to increase real estate for entering orders on a mobile tablet.  However, it can be used anytime you may want to eliminate a column from the display (such as comments).  The column selector is accessed by clicking on the Column Chooser button (see below):

Comments on Mobile Ordering: If you or a staff member is currently walking through your storage locations and recording ordering quantities for items with a pen and paper then please consider using COGS-Well and an inexpensive Android tablet as an alternative. Not only will you have an easy-to-access record of what has been ordered, but you will eliminate the need to renter the order or call the vendor (you can email the order directly to your vendor(s) when entry is completed).  

Labor Costs in Recipes: You can now add labor costs to recipe items so they can calculate what is often referred to as your "Prime Costs". Prime costs combine the cost of your food and beverage (COGS) and your labor cost. Labor cost for recipes is an optional feature that is configured in Company Setting. For detailed information, please click this link to Recipe Items - Labor Cost Setup.  A limited overview of using labor costs in recipe items is below:   

Labor Type: Use the drop-down to select a Labor Type from the types you defined in Recipe & Sales>Setup>Labor Types. Labor Types can be set up via Recipes & Sales>Setup>Labor Types. 

Minutes of Labor: Enter the number of minutes of the selected Labor Type is required for this recipe.  In the above example, it takes a cook 5 minutes to prepare the Breakfast Buritto. 

Labor Cost Column: This column will display a labor cost for any other recipe item ingredient in the recipe where a labor cost has been entered. In the above example, a labor cost has been added to the Salsa Prep recipe item. 

Prime Cost Column: This column will display the combined ingredient cost and labor cost for each ingredient. 

Total Costs: At the bottom of the display, the ingredient cost (COGS cost) column is totaled, the labor cost column is totaled, and the total prime cost is totaled. The total labor cost and prime cost will include any labor cost that has been added to the recipe item you are viewing plus the labor cost for any ingredient.   

Nested Labor Costs: The labor cost for a recipe item can come from another recipe item that is used as an ingredient and has a labor cost. For example, the Salsa Prep recipe has a labor cost for Tomatoes - Prep which is an ingredient, plus a labor cost of its own, so the cost carries over to the Breakfast Burrito. 

Labor Cost in Theoretical Reporting: If you enable Labor Costs in recipes, then you will have the option to report ingredient costs only (COGS), labor costs only, or both (Prime Costs) when you run the Target Cost Variance, Theoretical Cost of Sales, Theoretical Profit from Sales, and Menu Engineering reports. An example of a Theoretical Cost of Sales with Prime Costs is below:

Packaging Recipes: If you have a unique item or items that are included when a Sales Item is sold, but you don't want the cost of those items to be included in the Sales Item's recipe, but you do want to calculate theoretical usage for the item or items, then you can create a separate Recipe Item for that item or items and then link it to the Sales Item. An example is that we use a special styrofoam container and paper wrapping for our Breakfast Buritto and we want them to be used theoretically each time the Breakfast Burrito is sold, but we don't want to add them directly to the Breakfast Burrito recipe item. Please see below:   

Above we have created a new recipe item for Breakfast Buritto Packaging. When a recipe item is not flagged to be sold, the new field called "Sales Mix Source Item" will display. You can use the drop-down to select a sales item to use as the source, which is the Breakfast Burrito. Next, you will select the ingredients tab and put in your item or items as ingredients (see below):

Our desire for creating the above Recipe Item and sourcing it to the Breakfast Burrito Sales Item is to not have the costs show up in the Sales Item as well as any of the theoretical costing related reporting, but we do want the container and wrap items to show up in the Usage Variance report.: 

Ingredient Search - All Ingredients: Before this release, the Ingredient Search Report (Recipes & Sales>Listings>Ingredient Search) could only report for one selected item. Now, if you leave the item filter blank, it will display or report the recipes for every ingredient (see the below example):

New Weekly Sales Mix Report:: The new Weekly Sales Mix report is on the Recipe & Sales>Reports Menu (2nd report on the menu).  You can select an end date for this report and it will list sales item activity  for each day and a total for the week (please see the below example):

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