Ordering Options - FAQs


The use of the ordering features in COGS-Well is optional. There are numerous benefits to utilizing ordering, but there can also be more setup and more features to learn (or to ask other users to learn).

This article is designed to assist you in deciding whether to use ordering and if you decide to use ordering, what are the options for implementing it. 

Reasons to Use Ordering:

  • It creates a record of what was ordered. This helps you know what is on order.
  • It allows you to compare orders to invoice receiving for possible variances. 
  • If you use Theoretical Inventory On Hand, what is on order is factored into the calculation.
  • You can order on your schedule and via computer or tablet versus a phone call or in-person dialogue. 
  • COGS-Well uses the vendor's item description and item code on purchase orders so they will be easy to read and potentially, more accurately fulfilled.
  • If you are walking through storage locations and writing down the quantity for items you want to order, the use of ordering and a tablet will save you time because you can record the quantities and then directly email or export the order to your vendor(s). 
  • COGS-Well can suggest quantities to order. This can help you order more efficiently (reduce spoilage, overstocking, or out-of-stock situations). 
  • If you use Order by Item, this feature enables you to create orders across multiple vendors at the same time.  It can also help you select vendors.

Two Ways to Order:

  1. Order by Vendor: Most COGS-Well customers order by vendor meaning they first select a vendor and then enter an order for the items in the quantity they require. Completed orders can be emailed or electronically transferred (if the vendor has EDI) to the vendor or vendors.

  2. Order By Item (versus by vendor): Some customers prefer to select the items to order and not be restricted to ordering from one vendor at a time. Order by Item can also be used to help you select what vendor to order an item from if you can get the same item from more than one vendor. Completed orders can be emailed or electronically transferred (if the vendor has EDI) to the vendor or vendors.

Basic versus Suggested Ordering:

Basic Ordering: Ordering can be as simple as selecting the vendor and entering the item quantities to order (order by vendor), or selecting the item quantities to order and the vendor (order by item). Basic ordering does not require a lot of setup and can be implemented quickly.

Suggested Ordering: Ordering becomes more sophisticated if you want COGS-Well to suggest the quantity of an item to order. Suggested Orders can compare theoretical (calculated) quantity on hand to a Par Level for an item to calculate a suggested order. A Usage Projection can also be used in a suggested order calculation. Please see the section below for more info on Suggested Ordering.

Ordering Tools:

COGS-Well provides several tools to facilitate the ordering process. These tools are reviewed below:

Order Templates: You can create Order by Vendor Templates or the Order by Item Templates. A template enables you to include only the items you want to include, and in the sequence that you prefer. A template can be used for the Order Worksheet and Order Entry process.

For example, if on Fridays you only order certain items from a vendor, you can create a "Friday Order Template" for that vendor. Or you could set up a template for Produce Items. The setup process for Order Templates is easy and normally just a one-time process.   

Order Worksheet:  The Order Worksheet is used to record the quantities of each item you want to order. There is an Order by Vendor Worksheet and an Order by Item Worksheet. Worksheets can be printed in the same order that your order entry screen will display which will save time and increase accuracy.   

Tablet Compatibility: If you or a staff member like to look at the on-hand quantity for an item when you make the order quantity decision, the Order Entry features (by vendor or by item) in COGS-Well can be used on a tablet to record the decisions. This is usually more efficient than using an Order Worksheet.

Send Order To Vendors: There is an option to configure Users who can and Users who cannot send orders to vendors. The reason for this option is you may have a User who you want to let enter orders, but you want a different User to review and send the orders to vendors. Please click this link for more information on "Send Order to Vendor Requests"

Suggested Ordering - Things to Consider:

Using COGS-Well to calculate and suggest the quantity for an item to order can be very helpful. Unless you enter a count of the items you are ordering right before you order, Suggested Ordering will rely on a Theoretical On Hand calculation for the items. Therefore, please consider the following::

  • Suggested Ordering requires accurate recipes and yields for the Items you wish to use it for. 
  • Suggested Ordering requires a POS interface. 
  • Chefs and Managers may not feel comfortable trusting suggested order quantities.
  • Suggested Ordering requires added time to set up Par Levels and/or Projections in COGS-Well. 


As we said at the start of this article, the use of any of the ordering features in COGS-Well is optional.  The reason we have such a large array of features and options for ordering is that there is no industry standard process for ordering and, over time, our customers have requested all of these options.   

If you are contemplating using ordering or expanding your use of the ordering features, we suggest that you consider the various options and requirements covered in this article. You can also contact us via the support@cogs-well.com email and we can provide additional coaching.

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