Order by Item Worksheet
The Order By Item Worksheet is used to record inventory item orders when you plan to use the Enter Order By Item feature (versus the Enter Orders by Vendor feature). After an Order By Item Worksheet is completed, the recorded order can be entered into COGS-Well via the Order By Item feature. An example of the worksheet is shown below:
Things to know!
- This worksheet will only be accessible and visible to users who are given access to this feature.
- The Order By Item Worksheet runs for a specific Site.
- The Order By Item Worksheet can optionally include only the Inventory Items in a selected Inventory Department, Category, or Item Group.
- The Order By Item Worksheet can calculate suggested quantities to order using Suggested Quantity Types.
- When Suggested QuantityTypes are set up to calculate suggested orders, there will be more fields on the Report Parameters display and more columns on the Worksheet. This article therefore will show examples for both when Suggested Quantity Types are not used and when they are used.
- Suggested Quantities are shown by Pack Size. There is an option to configure an SQT to show suggested quantities in Count Units. This FAQ provides more detail.
- For more information on Order By Item, please click this link to Order By Item.
Report Parameters - Suggested Quantity Type is NOT used:
To Run an Order By Item Worksheet, use the Sidebar to navigate to the Ordering menu option and then select the Order by Item Worksheet from the submenu. Upon selection, a parameters screen like the one below will display:
Site: The Site selection prompt only appears if you have logged into your Company (versus a Site). Select the Site from the drop-down search that will be recording an Inventory Order.
Order date: Select the date from the calendar for when the Inventory Order will be recorded.
Inventory Department: Use the drop-down to select a specific Inventory Department. Blank will include all Departments.
Inventory Category: Use the drop-down to select a specific Inventory Category. Blank will include all Departments.
Inventory Item Group: If you want to order a certain group of items, and you do not have an order template set up for those items, an example might be a group called "Meats" or a group called "Daily Order Items", then you can use the drop-down to select the group here. Blank defaults to all Groups. In the above example, we selected Meats.
Run Report: Once you have selected your report parameters, click the Run Report button to list the report.
Report Parameters - Suggested Quantity Type IS used:
To Run an Order By Item Worksheet, navigate to Inventory>Worksheets>Order By Item Worksheet. Upon selection, a parameters screen like below will display:
Suggested Quantity Type: This field only applies if you want COGS-Well to suggest order quantities for each item and if you have already configured at least one Suggested Quantity Type for ordering via the Inventory Setup feature. Use the drop-down to select a Suggested Quantity Type.
Next Delivery Date: This field will only display if you select a Suggested Order Type that includes a Usage Projection. This date is needed because a Usage Projection needs to not only cover the days between the Order Date and the Delivery Date, but it also needs to cover the days until the Next Delivery Date.
For example, if you are ordering today and you only order enough to cover the projected usage through the Delivery Date, then you will run out of stock on the Delivery Date. COGS-Well, therefore, needs to know when the Next Delivery Date is to project enough usage.
When you order again between the Delivery Date and the Next Delivery Date, COGS-Well will take into account what is already on order during the suggested order calculation.
Par Level Type: This field will only display if you select a Suggested Quantity Type that includes the use of Par Levels in the suggested quantity calculations. Par Level Types and Par Levels are set up in Inventory>Setup>Par Levels. Par Levels enable you to configure a "Minimum" and an "Order To" quantity for each inventory item. Use the drop-down to select a par-level type.
Order Worksheet - Suggested Quantity Type is NOT used:
Selecting to Run the Order Worksheet Report without a Selected Quantity Type will display a report similar to below:
Item Name: This is the Vendor's Item Name.
Pack Size: This is how the vendor packages and prices the Item.
Packs On-Hand: This is a calculated value that takes the last inventory count for the item, adds the quantity received since the last count, subtracts the quantity transferred since the last count, subtracts any quantity on order (based on delivery date), and subtracts the theoretical usage from sales since the last count (if you are importing sales mix from your POS), to determine the amount on-hand.
Packs on Order: This is the number of Packs that are still on order for an Item. This quantity is subtracted to calculate the suggested order Quantity.
Order to Quantity: This is the Par Level if you have set up Par Levels.
Order Pack Size: This is the Pack Size used for Ordering. It is usually the same as the regular Pack Size, but some catch-weight items have different Order Pack Sizes.
Suggested Order Quantity: This column will be blank when you do not select a Suggested Quantity Type in the parameters. Below, the Suggested Order Quantity is explained.
Order Quantity: Record the number of Packs for an Item that you want to order.
Report Options: For a description of the toolbar provided at the top of the report, please see: Report Options Link
Clicking the carrot will red-display Report Parameters after a report has been run. This option can be used in the event you want to change parameters and re-run the report. Click on the Close button to close the report.
Order Worksheet - Suggested Quantity Type Is used:
Selecting to Run the Order Worksheet Report with a Suggested Quantity Type will display a report similar to the below:
This Worksheet has the same column headings as the example above, but values for the Suggested Order Quantity column will be calculated when a Selected Quantity Type has been selected.
Suggested Order to Quantity: If you set up at least one Selected Quantity Type for ordering, then the Suggest Order column will display the Suggested Order calculations. Suggested Quantity Types can be configured to include Par Levels and/or a Usage Projection.
Report Options: For a description of the toolbar provided at the top of the report, please see: Report Options Link
Clicking the carrot will red-display Report Parameters after a report has been run. This option can be used in the event you want to change parameters and re-run the report. Click on the Close button to close the report.