Order by Item Templates


The Order By Item Templates feature should be set up if you are planning to use the Order by Item feature and you desire to put the items you order in a common group and/or in a specific order.

An example is you have certain items that you order every Monday and you wish to see them in a specific order. Or, you want to put all your bar items together.

Another example for using the Order by Item Template is if you want to order by Storage Location for the Ordering Worksheet or for entering orders on a tablet device as you walk through your storage areas (you can set the items up in a sheet to shelf order and only include the items you want for each Template.  

Things to know!

  • An Order by Item Template can be selected when you print the Order by Item Worksheet and when you Enter an Order by Item. 
  • An Order by Item Template enables you to control the items and the sequence that Items list in on Order by Item Worksheets and Order by Item Entry.
  • An Order by Item Template(s) is a good way to set up ordering on a tablet device to correspond to your storage locations, but only include the items that apply to a certain ordering frequency or process (like "Monday Ordering" or "Fish and Meat Ordering":  
  • Groups to use for like items can be defined within an Ordering Template. These groups can be used to define Storage Locations ("Freezer") or types of Items ("Fish"), etc. 
  • The sequence items come up in (such as shelf to sheet) can be controlled in an Order by Item Template. 
  • If you have standard quantities of an item that you always order, then you can also enter the order quantity for that item and store it in the Template. It can still be modified. 
  • This feature will only be accessible and visible to users who are given access to it.
  • Only set up Order by Item Templates if you plan to Order by Item.  For more information, you can click this link to Order Options - FAQs

Add or Edit Order Templates:

To add, review, edit, clone, or delete an Order by Item Template, navigate to Inventory>Setup>Order by Item Templates.  Upon selection, a Setup Grid similar to the one below will display a listing of all of your Templates that were previously set up:

Name: The name for the Order Template. In this example, we have one Template called "Monday Orders".

All Sites: This controls whether an Order Template has been made available to all Sites or not. This option is only available when you are logged into your company. 

Last Updated: The most recent date that this Template was updated. 

Last Updated User: The User that made the last Update. 

+ Add: Use the blue + Add button to add a new Order by Item Template. 

Edit: Click the Edit button to view or edit a Template.

Clone: A Template can be "cloned" (copied) to a new Order by Item Template if it will save time to start with an existing template and then modify it versus setting up a new one from scratch. 

Delete: A Template can be deleted using the Delete button.

The Add button at the top middle of the Find Grid is used to add a new Template that has not already been configured. Clicking on this button will take you to the Order Template criteria display.

Order Template Tab:

To add a new Order by Item Template, click the blue "+ Add" button at the top of the setup grid and you will land on the Order Template tab for adding a new order by item template:

Template Name: Enter a name for the new template that helps you or other Users easily recognize the template (required field).  

Suggested Quantity Type: This field only displays if you have set up a Suggested Quantity Type that is configured for Ordering. You can use the drop-down to select a Suggested Quantity Type. Please click this link if you would like more information on Suggested Quantity Types

Active: A Template can be made inactive by removing the checkmark.  It can later be made active again by restoring the checkmark. 

Available to All Sites: This field is only available to System Administrators (and when you are logged into your Company). Check this box if the Template will be used by all Sites. If you do not check this box then a "Sites Tab" will display where you can assign the Site or Sites that apply to this Template. 

Show Suggested Quantities Based on Combined Item Pack Size: This feature enables the items included in this template to use the pack size of the combined item they are assigned to versus their pack size. This feature only makes sense if you are using suggested calculations with Order By Item. This FAQ article on Suggested Orders and Combined Item Pack Size provides more detail.

Next: The blue Next button at the bottom left of the tab display will move you to the Items Tab. You can also move to the Items Tab by clicking on the tab.

Items Tab: 

Click on the "Next" button or on the "Items" tab to move to the Items tab. The Items tab is utilized to define Groups and to select the Inventory items and the sequence of the items that will apply to this Order by Item Template.

You can also enter a default quantity to order for an Item (which can be changed when you enter the order). Below is an example of an Items Tab for the Monday Orders Template that is being set up to correspond with the Storage Locations and sequence for those items: 

Special Buttons: The buttons at the top of the display provide additional features as described below:

This button enables you to add a Group name that will display above a list of items.  For example, you could click on this button to add a Storage Location name (in the above example, we added the "Cooler" and "Freezer" as Groups. In the below example,  we added a Group for Meats and a Group for Seafood to the  Template:

Use the Plus key to add a new Item to the Order Template. If you defined Groups, highlight the Group that you want to add an item to and then click the + button. If you next click on the + button you will be presented with a list of all of the possible items to add. Search and select your item.   

Use the X key to delete a group or item that is currently on the Template.  Highlight the group or Item first, then click the X button to delete.

Use the up arrow key to move an Item up in sequence on the Template.  Highlight the Item first then click the arrow. 

Use the down arrow key to move an Item down in sequence on the Template.  Highlight the Item first then click the arrow. 

Sites Tab: 

The Sites Tab is utilized to select the Sites that the Template will apply to. This Tab only displays if you did not flag the Template to be available to all Sites on the Criteria tab. Below is an example of an Ordering Template Site assignment Tab:

Available and Selected: Listed under the Available column are all the Sites that have been selected for this Template and the other Available Sites. To move a Site from one selection to another, check the box by the Site or Sites you want to move and then hit the arrow direction < or > you want to move them to.

Save, Save & Exit, Exit:

Save - Saves the entry or entries without exiting.

Save & Exit - Saves the entries and exits back to the Setup Grid.  

Exit -  Exits without saving. If there is new data, you will be asked, "Are you sure"?

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