Suggested Orders & Combined Item Pack Size - FAQs


If you are using Order by Item with the Suggested Quantities option, there is an option to use the Combined Item pack size for the suggestions versus the Inventory Item's Pack Size.

The reason this option exists is to provide end-users who prefer to think about items when they are ordering in partial cases versus packs. An example is bottles of vodka versus a pack of 12/750 mL. Or chicken breasts versus a pack of 10 Lbs.

Things to Know:

  • This option only makes sense to use if you are using Order by Item with Suggested Quantities.
  • Combined Items must be set up with the Inventory Items you wish to use this option for assigned to the combined items.
  • The units that end-users prefer to see when ordering, such as bottles or pounds, should be configured as the Pack Size for the Combined Item.
  • This option is enabled by adding it to an Order by Item Template.
  • The Template with this option configured must then be selected on the Criteria Tab when adding a new Order by Item entry.
  • When entering an Order by Item, the Item Entry Grid columns for On Hand, Order To, and Suggested Quantity will display using the Combined Item pack size.
  • If the drill-down option is selected for one of these columns, the calculations will show using the Combined Item pack size.

Create Combined Items with Desired Pack Size:

The first step for using Combined Item pack sizes is to add or modify your combined items to use the pack size that is desired for providing suggested order calculations. Please remember that the inventory items you want to use the combined item pack description must be assigned to the combined item via the Item Assignment tab:

Order by Item Template:

The option to use the Combined Item Pack Size for the Inventory Items on the Order Entry Grid is enabled via an Order By Item Template. Navigate to Inventroy>Setup>Order by Item Template.

The items that you want to use this option should be included in the Template:

Order By Item Entry - Criteria Tab:

The Template configured for Combined Item pack size must be selected on the Criteria Tab when making a new order by item entry:

Suggested Calculations use Combined Item Pack Size:

Highlighted items on the entry grid below are combined items and the pack size for these combined items is 750 mL. The columns for Pack Size, Order To, and Suggested Quantity are displaying values in bottles even though the vendor's Pack Size is 12/750 mL.

The actual order Quantity in the example should be entered for the Order Pack Size, but end-users can view the calculations in bottles. In the example below, we have drilled down on the Suggested Quantity calculation for Rose Whispering Angel. These calculations are also in bottles:

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