Transfer Fulfillment Worksheet


The Transfer Fulfillment Worksheet is used to record the items that are transferred at a Site that has received a Transfer Request. After a Transfer Fulfillment Worksheet is completed, the recorded transfer fulfillments can be entered into COGS-Well via the Enter Fulfill Transfers feature (Inventory>Entry>Fulfill Transfer).

Things to know!

  • This report will only be accessible and visible to users who are given access to this feature. 
  • Transfer features must be enabled in your Company Settings (Company>Company Settings) to be visible on the menus. 
  • This worksheet is utilized to record fulfilled transfers prior to entering them.  
  • The Transfer Fulfillment Worksheet feature will only show up on your menu when you are logged into a Site (versus your Company). 
  • The "To Site" is the Site the Transfer will be going to.    
  • For more information on Transfers, please see click this link to Transfers - FAQs

Report Parameters

To run a Transfer Fulfillment Worksheet, navigate to Inventory>Worksheets>Transfer Fulfillment Worksheet.  Upon selection, a parameters screen like below will display:

To Site: Select the Site from the drop-down search that will be receiving the Transfer (going to). The worksheet will only print if the To Site has submitted a Transfer Request to your Site. 

Single Outstanding Request: The drop-down will display all Transfer Requests that have not been Fulfilled and you can select a specific open request. Leaving this field blank will report all outstanding requests. 

Single Fulfilled Request: The Single fulfilled request shows the transfers that have been fulfilled and you may want to print this to send with the transfer.

Run Report: Once you have selected your report parameters, click the Run Report button to list the report.

Transfer Fulfillment Worksheet - Single Outstanding Request:

Selecting to Run the Transfer Worksheet Report for a Single Outstanding Request will display a report similar to below: 

The Count Quantity Requested is shown on the worksheet. The assumption is that entries will only be made in the blank transfer column for items that you did not transfer the requested quantity. 

Report Options: For a description of the toolbar provided at the top of the report, please see "Report Options" help. Report Options link.

Re-display Report Parameters: After a worksheet has been run, the carrot ("^") at the upper right side of the report (next to the Close button) will re-display the report parameters. This option can be used in the event you want to change parameters and re-run the worksheet or report.

Transfer Fulfillment Worksheet - Single Fulfilled Request:

Selecting to Run the Transfer Worksheet Report for a Single Fulfilled Request will display a report similar to below. This report can be used as a confirmation listing of what was Fulfilled.   

Report Options: For a description of the toolbar provided at the top of the report, please see "Report Options" help. Report Options link.

Re-display Report Parameters: After a worksheet has been run, the carrot ("^") at the upper right side of the report (next to the Close button) will re-display the report parameters. This option can be used in the event you want to change parameters and re-run the worksheet or report.

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