Creating Combined Items - Tips

Tips for Creating Combined Items:

One of the challenges for setting up combined items is identifying what inventory items need to be combined. There is also a decision to make as to whether to approach this process in two steps or just one.  There are several options available that will be reviewed below: 

Use the Combined Item Evaluation Listing: One way to identify Inventory Items that you may want to combine is to utilize the "Combined Item Evaluation Listing". The objective of this listing is to display or print the inventory items that may need to be combined in consecutive rows (one above the other) and by Inventory Category. 

We think it is easiest to print out the listing and mark or highlight the inventory items that you wish to combine as a first step. When you are done with the first step, then go to Inventory>Setup>Combined Items to create the combined items as a second step.

Please click the following link if you would like more information on the Combined Items Evaluation Listing. Please click the following link if you would like more information on Combined Item Setup

Display and Create Combined Items Simultaneously: If you prefer to find inventory items to combine and concurrently make combined item assignments, then a good approach is to start by opening up the Inventory Item Setup feature and use the "Find Grid" that displays when you select this feature.

Next, select an Inventory Category using the filter option in the Category column on the grid. An example of the Find Grid for Inventory Item Setup, with a filter for produce: 

Category Filter: In the grid example above, "produce" has been typed into the filter in order to put items with a common category together. These items are sorted alphabetically which increases the potential for two or more items that you may want to combine to print in rows below each other. Examples above are Asparagus, Avocados, and Bananas. 

Last Updated Filter: If you have already assigned inventory items to combined items and you just want to isolate new inventory items that have been received since the last time you updated Combined Items, then use the Last Updated column on the far right above, click on the calendar, select a start date, and then click on the magnifying glass and select equal to or greater than. The below example is sorted for 9/1/2020 or greater. 

Open Combined Item Setup Tab Concurrently: If you want to find inventory items to combine and make the combined item assignments concurrently, then a good approach is to open the combined item setup feature at the same time you have the inventory item Setup feature open. You can then move back and forth between each feature by simply clicking on the tab you desire (see below):

In the example above, we used the Inventory navigation menu to open the Combined Item Setup feature without closing the Inventory Setup feature. COGS-Well allows you to have up to 10 features open concurrently. Click on the Inventory Items tab to see the inventory items Find Grid, or click on the combined items tab to move back to the combined items Find Grid.

If the combined item already exists, you can type the name in the search column for the name to quickly find it. If the combined item does not exist, you can click the plus button to add it. 

Two Monitors: If you are fortunate enough to have access to two monitors on your computer and you wish to simultaneously display inventory items and create combined items, then open a second instance of COGS-Well in your browser, drag it to your second monitor, and open setup combined items in one instance and the inventory item Setup Find Grid in the other instance. 

Export Inventory Items to Excel: The information in the columns on the Inventory Item Setup Find Grid can be exported to Excel. Once in Excel, this information can be further manipulated or printed. The export to Excel button on the Inventory Item Find Grid is highlighted in red in the below example.

When you click the export button, an Excel spreadsheet will be created for all of the information shown on the display. The spreadsheet will appear on the bottom left of your display. Click on the spreadsheet to access it. Please click this link for more information on Export Options

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