Take Advantage of Report Options


COG-Well provides flexible reporting via report parameters as well as a variety of tools, buttons, and other reporting options. Reporting options are provided for printing or displaying reports, listings, and worksheets. Knowing how to use these options to optimize your reporting can be very helpful. 

Report Parameters:

All COGS-Well Reports, Listings, and Worksheets start with a "Report Parameters" display after you select the feature.  Report Parameters provide a way to filter or format the report for specific information.  Examples of Report Parameters are a date or date range,  a specific Site, and a specific Department, Category, or Item Group. In some cases, reports will include an option for Detail or Summary versions. Please see the Report Parameters example below:

Drop-downs are used to provide selection options for filters. Click a drop-down to display the options. A calendar is used to select a date and in some cases, a date range.  For other reports that ask for a date or date range, and that depend on a count to exist (like the usage report above), the drop-downs will show dates and counts that have been entered into the system. 


The following guide covers COGS-Well tools that can be utilized for displaying reports, listings, and worksheets:

Back to Parameters and Close

Re-display Report Parameters: After a report, a listing, or a worksheet has been run, the carrot ("^") at the upper right side of the report (next to the Close button) will re-display the report parameters. This option can be used in the event you want to change the parameters and rerun the same report, listing, or worksheet with new parameters. 

Close: The Close button will close the report and exit. 

Report Toolbar:

Reports, listings, and worksheets are displayed with a toolbar that can be used to manage the information. Below is a guide to the tools:

This is a toggle button that will expand the size of the display of the report from the initial size, to one size larger, to the limit of what will fit all columns on the display size you are viewing in your browser.  

This button will initiate a search for any alpha or numerical value in the report.  When you click it a search window will display and you can type your search criteria into the display. Below we clicked the search button to search for "sy" for syrup:

Drill-Down Option

Any values that are displayed in light blue (versus black) on a report can be drilled-down on to view the transaction detail that is creating the value displayed.  To drill down on a value, hover your mouse over the value and click.  An example of a report that has drill-down options is below:

Any column with values listed in light blue can be drilled down to see the transaction detail that is creating the value displayed. For example, if we click on the Received value of 49 for Pan Bread 9 Grain Sliced in the above example, the detailed invoice receipts are listed (see below):

Sort Report Column Values (Highest to Lowest or Lowest to Highest):

Any report column that has this "sort button" to the left of the column header name, or above the column header name, can be sorted from highest to lowest (or lowest to highest) value.  If the report subtotals by category, then the sorts are done within each category. The sort is initiated by clicking on the sort button. Please see the below Actual Usage Report as an example:

Sort Button: In the above  Actual Usage Report example, we can sort on the Item Name (A to Z or Z to Z), the actual usage in the quantity column (highest to lowest or lowest to highest), or the actual usage in the dollars column (highest to lowest or lowest to highest). For example, if we want to see what items we spend the most usage dollars on, we can click on the sort button. Please see below:

Click on the arrow on the sort button to change the sort from lowest to highest or highest to lowest. For alphabetic sorts, the arrow will change between A-Z and Z-A.  The sorts are done for each category on reports that are subtotaled by category. In the below example we are sorting on usage in dollars, from highest inventory item to lowest item.

Users with Access to Multiple Sites:

Users who have rights to multiple Sites, and who desire a report, listing, or worksheet for a specific Site, may need to switch from a Company view to a Site view.  The way to change from a Company view to a Site view is to use the drop-down in the navigation panel that displays the Company name (see above).  Click on the drop-down and select the Site. Many reports also provide the option to select a specific site using a drop-down option on the report paraments screen which comes up before running the report. 

Inventory, Combined, and Recipe Item Reporting:

Several reports, worksheets, and transaction entry functions include Inventory Items, Combined Items, and Recipe Items. An Inventory Item will display or list the ("Vendor Name") in parenthesis that it was last received from, after the Item Name. A Combined Item will display or list the term ("Combined Item") in parenthesis, after the Item Name. A Recipe Item will display or list the term ("Recipe item) in parenthesis, after the Item Name. An example showing Inventory and Recipe Items is below:

Configurable Report Units:

When only one unit of measure is used for an Inventory Report, the default unit of measure ("Report Unit") will be Pack Size.  However, the Report Unit for an Inventory Item can be changed to by Count Unit. The Report Unit can be changed at the Inventory Category level or the Inventory Department level. The reports that are impacted are listed below.  For more information on Configurable Report Units please click this link: Report Units - FAQs.

  1. Theoretical On-Hand Report
  2. Actual Cost of Sales Report
  3. Inventory Extension Report
  4. Inventory Usage Variance Report. 
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