Use Item Activity Listing for Audits
The Item Activity Listing shows all transaction activity (counts, orders, receipts, transfers, production, and waste) for a specified Item (Inventory, Recipe Item that is counted, or Combined Item). Item Activity is a good place to start looking for answers about an item such as where the item's usage or cost is coming from. This listing is also a great place to view the transactional "life cycle" of an item.
The Item Activity Listing is accessed via Inventory>Listings>Item Activity. The listing shows all transactional activity for a selected item and for a selected date range. Below is an example of the listing where we have selected 12/14 Daily Bacon for a 6-month date range. Each transaction type has a tab that can be selected:
Counts Tab:
Below is an example where the Counts Tab has been selected for 12/14 Bacon:
Orders Tab:
Below is an example where the Orders Tab has been selected for 12/14 Bacon:
Receipts Tab:
Below is an example where the Receipts Tab has been selected for 12/14 Bacon:
Transfers Tab:
Below is an example where the Transfers Tab has been selected for 12/14 Bacon:
For more detail, please click this link to the Item Activity Listing.