How to Search for Ingredients


There are two ways quickly discover what Recipes an ingredient is used in and in what quantity.  The first is via the Ingredient Search Listing and the second is via viewing the ingredient in its Setup feature. 

Ingredient Search Listing

The Ingredient Search enables you to select an ingredient (Inventory, Recipe, or Combined Item) and see what recipe(s) it is in and in what quantity (portion). This report is accessed by navigating to Recipes & Sales>Listings>Ingredient Search. 

The Ingredient Search can list a single item (ingredient), all items in a group, all items in a Category, all items in a Department, or all items based on the parameters selected.

When you have selected your Item, select Run Report, and a listing similar to below will display. The Recipe Item Names, the Recipe Unit, and the Quantity (portion) for the selected Item will display. In the example below we have selected to run the report for a specific item (12/14 Daily Bacon):

View the Ingredient in its Setup Feature:

There is a separate setup feature for Inventory, Combined, and Recipe Items and each item type has an option to be flagged to be used as an ingredient in recipes. If an item is used in recipes then a tab for "Recipe Items" will be included on the item display. In the example below, we are in the setup feature for an inventory item (3-1 Round Beef Patty):  

If we click on the Recipe Items Tab, we can see all the Recipe Items that this Beef Patty is used in and the quantity (portion) used (please see the example below). Please note that you can also change the recipe unit or the quantity used for this item in a recipe, delete it from a recipe, or add it to a new recipe item:


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