Remove Unused Items


Over time, you may no longer be using Inventory, Combined, or Recipe items that you used to be using. You may have flagged these items as being "Inactive", but they will still show up as available in their item-related features. 

The Remove Unused Items feature will remove unused items from the "find grids" and item listings. Please note that removed items are "soft-deleted" so they can be undeleted if you make a mistake by using the Un-Delete Entries feature. Please also note that any historical transaction data that includes a removed item will not be deleted.

Things to know!

  • This feature is only available to system administrators. 
  • Only items (inventory, combined, or recipe) that have no transaction activities prior to the selected activity date will be removed from your database.
  • Transaction activities are counts, orders, receipts, transfers, sales, etc.
  • Any historical transaction data that includes a removed item will not be deleted.
  • If an item with no transaction activity is found in a Recipe Item, it will not be removed. 
  • If you accidentally delete items, you can recover them via the Un-delete Entries feature.  

Remove Unused Items:

To access the Remove Unused Items feature, navigate to Inventory>Maintenances>Removed Unused Items. Upon selection, a Criteria screen like the below will display:

Last Activity Date: Select a date using the calendar that represents the last transaction activity date. For example, if you believe any inventory item in your database that has not had transaction activity since January 1, 2022, can be removed, then select that date.  

Remove Unused Inventory Items: Unused Inventory Items will be removed if you check this box. When this box is checked, options to select a specific Inventory Department, Category, or GL Account will display as shown below. Use the drop-down to make selections:

Remove Unused Combined Items: Unused Combined Items will be removed if you check this box. When this box is checked, no further selection options are offered. 

Remove Unused Recipe Items: Unused Inventory Items will be removed if you check this box. When this box is checked, options to select a specific Recipe Department or Category will display as shown below. Use the drop-down to make selections:

Execute: Click the blue Execute Button to execute the removal. 

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