Email Transfer Requests - FAQs


There is an option to send Transfer Requests to an email address. If this option is enabled, the Transfer Fulfillment Worksheet can be emailed as a PDF from the To Site (the site creating the request) to the From Site (the Site receiving the request). 

If you have a printer that can receive emails, this option can save a step if you normally print the Transfer Fulfillment Worksheet at the From Site. Or, this option can save the need to access the COGS-Well software to print the Fulfillment Worksheet. 

Company Settings:

To utilize this email feature, the options to "Require transfer fulfillment request" and "Email fulfillment request to From site" need to be enabled in your Company Settings, on the Transfer Tab. Navigate to Company>Setup>Company Settings and select the tab on the top row of the display for Transfers. 

Site Settings:

You will want to review and update your email addresses and the phone number for your To Sites (the Sites that create the Transfer Requests). Navigate to Company>Setup>Sites and select edit the Site that you wish to review and update.  You will see a display similar to the one below:

Enter the fulfillment email address for the From Site (the Site that will be fulfilling the request) at the bottom of the display. In the above example, it is The transfer request email text includes an option for the From Site to reply to an email for the To Site ( in the above example) or to call the phone number listed for the To Site with questions.

Email Transfer Requests:

 If transfer request emails are enabled, then when the Request Fulfillment and Exit button is selected (see the example below), the Transfer Fulfillment Worksheet will be emailed from the To Site to the From Site. A green message box will display "Email sent to From Site" will briefly display for the To Site after the request has been saved. 

Example Email: Below is an example of the email that will be received by the From Site. A PDF of the Transfer Fulfillment Worksheet is attached:

Transfer Fulfillment Worksheet: Below is an example of the Transfer Fulfillment Worksheet.  For more information please click this link to the Transfer Fulfillment Worksheet

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