Invoice+ User Guide

Using Invoice+ (If you want to review and approve invoices before they export to Receiving): 

If you want to review and approve invoices in Invoice+ (or have your managers do so), before they are exported to the COGS-Well receiving feature, this can be done and the option is explained below. You will need to establish an administrator for Invoice+ and either your administrator or your managers will need to learn how to use Invoice+ to review and approve invoices. 

Invoice+ System Administrators:

COGS-Well Support set up one System Administrator in Invoice+. The administrator will be provided with a  URL to access Invoice+ and an Invoice+ email address for each Site (restaurant location) to send scanned images to. You and your managers will then be ready to start using the Invoice+ app. When you log in as an Administrator for Invoice+ you will see a dashboard.  An example of the top portion of the dashboard is below. Explanations of the features then follow: 

Accounts and Restaurants: The Accounts and Restaurants drop-downs at the top of the Dashboard and to the right of the COGS-Well logo can be used to select an account or a specific restaurant. COGS-Well support will have already set up your Accounts and Restaurants. 

If you operate one location (Site), then your Account and Restaurant will usually be the same. If you have multiple restaurants, the dashboard will display information for all restaurants unless you select a specific restaurant. If you operate several concepts (brands) and you have multiple locations for each brand, you will see each brand as an account and each location will be a restaurant. 

Manage Users: COGS-Well Support will have already set up an Admin or Super Admin User for your account, but you will want to assign any other end-users. Manage Users is accessed by clicking on the drop-down next to your user name in the top right of the main menu (see the below example):

If you select Manage Users, you will see a display similar to the one below:

Account and Restaurant: Use the drop-downs to select the account and restaurant that the new User will use. 

Role: The options for Roles are "Scanner",  "Observer", "Admin", and Super Admin". A scanner role allows a user to just scan invoices and they do not have access to the URL.  The observer role can scan and view the invoices from the URL, but can not approve or edit invoices.  The admin role can scan, edit, and approve invoices from the URL. The superuser role has the view of all the accounts and restaurants assigned to them and can manage user accounts. 

Other Fields: Complete the Username, First and last name, and email address for the new user as appropriate. 

Add New User: Click the yellow Add New User button when you are ready to save your new user. 

Invoice Status (Information for any User that Reviews and Approves Invoices via Invoice+): 

There are options at the top of the dashboard for "Upload", "Open", or "Approved" invoices. An example is below:

Upload: These are invoices that have recently been scanned and uploaded (emailed) to COGS-Well (the number of invoices will display below the Upload status). COGS-Well reviews Uploaded invoices as part of our audit service. If the images are in good condition then they are moved by our auditors to the Open status. If there is a problem with the quality of an image, then our auditors "Flag" the invoice as needing to be corrected or replaced when they move it to Open status. You can click on Upload to see the invoice images on the display, but unless you want to view or reject an Uploaded invoice, you can treat the Upload status as informational. 

Open: As mentioned above, Open invoices have been reviewed by COGS-Well's audit team. The Open feature is for managing invoices that have been flagged and for approving invoices to be imported to COGS-Well Receiving. Only approved invoices will be imported into the Receiving feature in COGS-Well. Invoices that are flagged have problems such as a bad image or missing or unreadable information. There will be a notification with a description of the problem on a flagged invoice. An example of the Open status display is below:

Image Gallery: The Image Gallery is on the right side of the above display. It can be used to display the image of each open invoice. In the above example, an invoice image from MFW is displayed. You can use the blue arrow buttons to scroll forward or backward through all the open invoice images. Each black button, when you hover over it with your mouse, will provide a description of what it can do to the image.  

Invoice Info Tab: On the top left of the open invoice screen is a tab to display the "Invoice Info". This tab is the default view and an example is shown above. The restaurant, vendor, invoice number, invoice date, amount, and category totals are displayed. It is a good habit to make sure the total amount on the invoice matches the total amount on the Invoice Info tab (see below):

Line Items Tab: The Line Items display will show you how the vendor's invoice and inventory item detail was converted to digital information that will be imported into COGS-Well Receiving. The Line Items tab is next to the Invoice Info tab. Click on this tab to display the line item detail on an invoice (please see the example below). 


History Tab: This tab is primarily utilized by COGS-Well support. It provides a history of the transactions that have occurred starting with when the image was first uploaded. An example is below:

Flagged Invoices in Open Invoices: If the COGS-Well Audit team finds a problem with an open invoice such as unreadable image quality or missing information, the invoice will be flagged and an alert message will be created that will display when you access the Open invoices tab. Please note that a flagged invoice cannot be approved. In the below example, the image of the invoice was cut off during the scan and some of the inventory line items on the invoice were not captured (please see below):. 

Editing a Flagged Invoice: We do not recommend editing invoices unless it is an easy edit (like a missing invoice number or vendor), and unless you have been trained for editing. Also, you cannot edit an invoice if you were not given a User Role that allows for the editing of invoices. The best thing to do is to select to reject the invoice via the Open Invoice Options (explained below) and rescan and resubmit the invoice image. 

Using Comments: If you are not going to reject an invoice (like you would in the above example), if you want an administrator to know more about a particular invoice, you can use the comments feature. Once your comment is entered, click the add comment button (see the example below):

Skip Sync: The Skip Sync button in the example above does not apply to COGS-Well users so please ignore this button. 

Open Invoice Options: 

Open invoices can be Approved, Edited, Unflagged, Rejected, or Closed. These options are provided for each invoice and they appear at the bottom of each invoice on the invoice information display (left side).  Please see the example display below:

Approve: Use the Approve Button to indicate that an invoice is approved and therefore ready to be imported into COGS-Well's Receiving feature.  Approved Invoices will move from displaying in the Open Tab to the Approved Tab in Invoice+. 

Edit: As explained above, if you have a User Role that allows you to edit, and if you have been trained to make edits, then use the Edit button to make changes to an invoice.  You can change the summary invoice information or the inventory line item detail. We do not recommend you edit invoices unless you have been trained in this process. 

Unflag: If you correct or want to ignore a flagged invoice, then you can unflag that invoice. This will also allow you to approve the invoice. We do not recommend you unflag an invoice unless you have been trained in this process.  

Reject: If you do not want this invoice to go through to COGS-Well receiving (it might be from a vendor you do not track in COGS-Well), or if you plan to rescan the invoice and submit it again, then you can reject an invoice. Rejected invoices are retained in history. 

Cost Category Dashboards: 

There are 4 Dashboards in Invoice+. The first two (see below example) are displaying cost by Category (based on your GL Accounts). If you hover your mouse over the categories, you will have an option to drill down for more detail. The Category Breakdown in the below example is reporting Month to Date because the date range button on the top left has a month to date selected. You can click on this button to change the date range. Please note that via the drop-down buttons at the top of the below display, you can also select a specific vendor or a specific category. 

Vendor Spend Dashboards: The Vendor Spend Dashboards are displaying the amount spent with different vendors.  The Top 20 Vendor Spend dashboard is reporting on the last 4 weeks.  An example of the Vendor Spend Dashboards is below:

Invoices Listing on Dashboard: Below the category and vendor graphics on the dashboard, the invoices that are used to compile the information shown on the Category and Spend Dashboards are displayed. This listing includes both open and approved invoices and it applies to the date range selected for the dashboard.  

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