Receiving Entry & Review


The Receive feature is for reviewing, editing, or entering new Vendor "Receipts". Receipts consist of Invoices, C.O.D.s, or Credit Memos. A Receipt will include the details for each Inventory Item (name, pack size, item code, price, and quantity received). Most Receipts in COGS-Well will be invoices.

When new invoices are recorded, inventory Item costs and received quantities are updated. Receipts are typically digitally imported, but they can also be entered manually. If an order was entered in COGS-Well then the order number can be imported or entered manually as part of the receiving criteria to compare the invoice to the order. 

Things to know!

  • If you are importing invoices from an invoice automation system and or directly from vendors, you should only need to utilize this feature if you want to view an invoice. 
  • If you believe the information on an imported invoice is incorrect, this feature can be used to make changes. However, you should only change information on an imported invoice if you have a strong understanding of the impact. Please contact COGS-Well support if you need assistance at 
  • There are three types of Receipts - Invoices, C.O.D.s, and Credit Memos. 
  • For all customers who are importing invoices directly from vendors and/or invoice automation systems, this feature will be a place to review or modify receipts.  
  • New Vendor receipts will typically be imported into your system, on an ongoing basis, via Integrations with your Vendors and/or an Invoice Automation system like Plate IQ.
  • Receipts can also be entered manually. 
  • Imported Receipts are available immediately for review, modification, and approval (if Approvals are enabled in Company Settings).
  • When new invoices are imported or entered, Inventory Item costs and received quantities are updated. New vendors or inventory items will also be automatically added to your database. 
  • COGS-Well's Receiving feature can export summary invoice information to your accounts payable system. Customers using Plate IQ will not use this feature. Please contact COGS-Well support at if you would like us to set up an export to your accounts payable system.   
  • If an order was entered in COGS-Well then the order number can be imported or entered manually as part of the Receive feature to compare the invoice detail to the original order via a Receiving Variance Report. 
  • This feature will only be accessible and visible to users who are given access to it
  • Receiving will also drive cost alerts for items that have changed in price since the last invoice by an amount more than your tolerance. For more information on cost alerts please see this link: Cost Alerts Report.


To review, edit, add, or delete an invoice, C.O.D., or Credit Memo, navigate to Inventory>Entry>Receive via the Main Menu, or Receive>Receiving via the Process Menu. Upon selection, a "Find Grid" similar to the one below will display a listing of all of your previous Receiving transactions: 

Find Grid Definitions:

+ Add, Export, and Search Options:

  • The blue "+ Add" button is used to add a new transaction.
  • The "XLSX" button will export the information on the grid to a spreadsheet.
  • The search option can be used to find any part of a word or date on the grid. Type in your search criteria to initiate the search. 

Edit/Delete: Click the button to the right of the row that you wish to edit or delete.

# of Transactions that Display: If you use the "Close Inventory" feature, and your Company Settings are not configured to hide Count transactions after a Count is Closed, you will see transactions before the most current count.

Columns: Information about each Receipt transaction is displayed.  Each column can be searched. A column's width can be dragged with your mouse to become wider if a display is not wide enough (an example is the vendor column above).  

Status Column: If you are not exporting to accounts payable, the status for every transaction will be "Exported" (the assumption is the transaction was exported to your Accounts Payable by your AP Automation System.

If you are using COGS-Well to post to your Accounts Payable system, the Status can be "Blank" (open), "Closed" (already exported and now closed), "Exported" (exported but not closed), or "Unbalanced" (see explanation below). 

Require Balanced Receipts:  If you are using COGS-Well to post to your Accounts Payable system, then you may want to make sure Receiving transactions are in balance. A transaction that is "in balance" means the dollar amount that comes from the vendor matches the distribution total that was entered into COGS-Well. Well.

The distribution total in COGS-Well represents the total for the invoice based on the quantity of each item received times its Pack Cost. The requirement for balanced receipts can be configured in your Company Settings.  For more information please see the Receiving Tab discussion in Company Settings Setup

Special Find Grid Search, Filter, and Sort Tools:

  • Magnifying Glass Only Icon: The magnifying glass at the top of each column in the above grid has a search function that enables you to search within that field. If you hover your mouse over the magnifying class you will see options to use to refine your search.
  • Magnifying Glass and Calendar Icon: If a column has a magnifying glass and a calendar at the top of the column, the calendar can be used to select a date, and if you hover over the magnifying glass after you select a date, you will have options to refine the filter (such as equal to or greater than the selected date).
  • (All) Incon: Columns that display "All" have a drop-down arrow on the right that can be used to select and filter for a specific status. For example, the Active column can be filtered for "Yes" items only.

The Find Grid includes more tools to help you find, filter, or sort the information on the grid according to your requirements. Some of these tools are intuitive, but other helpful tools can easily be overlooked. Please click this link for more information on Find Grid Tools - FAQs.

Add or Edit a Receipt - Criteria Tab:

When you select to add or edit an invoice, a Criteria screen like the one below will display.  When you select to edit an existing invoice, you will land on the Items Entry tab and you can click on the Criteria tab to view or edit information (you will not be able to change the Site, Receipt Type, or Vendor fields for an imported invoice). Below we are viewing an imported invoice from Costco: 

Criteria Tab:

Site: This field will only display if you are logged into the company versus a specific site. This information will be included in the import of an invoice from a vendor or an AP Automation system. If you are entering an invoice manually, you can use the drop-down to select a Site.  

Receipt Type: There are three Receipt Types - Invoice, COD Invoice, and Return. This information will be included in the import of an invoice from a vendor or an AP Automation system. If you are entering an invoice manually, you can use the drop-down to select Receipt Type.

Vendor: The vendor that the Receipt came from. This information will be included in the import of an invoice from a vendor or an AP Automation system. If you are entering an invoice manually, you can use the drop-down to search for a Vendor. 

Delivery Date: This is the date the delivery occurred. This information will be included in the import of an invoice from a vendor or an AP Automation system. If you are entering an invoice manually, click on the calendar to select the date. 

Document Date: This is the date that the Vendor's Receipt shows the transaction occurred. This information will be included in the import of an invoice from a vendor or an AP Automation system. If you are entering an invoice manually, click on the calendar to select the date. 

Document Number: This is the number the Vendor is using to track the transaction. This information will be included in the import of an invoice from a vendor or an AP Automation system. If you are entering an invoice manually, this is a required field.  

Due Date: This is the date that payment of the invoice is due. This information will be included in the import of an invoice from a vendor or an AP Automation system. If you are entering an invoice manually, click on the calendar to select the date.

Order: If you want to compare the receipt to the original order, and if the order number did not import from the vendor, then use the drop-down to search and select the order.  If you are importing invoices and the vendor or AP Automation system can provide the Order #, then this field will be imported. 

Invoice Amount: This is the dollar total amount on the Vendor's invoiceThe amount is imported from a vendor's invoice. If you are entering an invoice manually, enter the Invoice Amount. COGS well will compare the Inventory Item and GL account distributions to the Invoice amount to determine if the invoice is in balance. 

Sales Tax Amount: This is the tax dollar amount on the Vendor's document. The amount is imported from a vendor's invoice. If you are entering an invoice manually and sales tax is included in the invoice, enter the sales tax amount.

Fuel/Surcharge Amount: This is the dollar amount on the Vendor's invoice. Any amount is imported from a vendor's invoice. If you are entering an invoice manually and a fuel or other surcharge amount is included in the invoice, enter the amount.

Discount Amount: This is the dollar amount on the Vendor's invoice. Any discount amount is imported from a vendor's invoice. If you are entering an invoice manually and a discount amount is included in the invoice, enter the discount amount.

Credit Amount: This is the dollar amount on the Vendor's invoice. Any credit amount is imported from a vendor's invoice. If you are entering an invoice manually and a credit amount is included in the invoice, enter the credit amount.

Amount to Distribute: This is the total dollar cost for an invoice. Please notice that sales tax and surcharge amounts are subtracted, and discounts are credits are added to the total invoice amount.  This is because the values for these expenses, credits, or discounts are separate from the Inventory Items received. The amount to distribute should balance with the total invoice amount.    

Next or Close: The next button will advance you to the Entry tab. The close button will close this transaction. 

Items Entry Tab: 

Once you have reviewed or entered your Criteria, to add or review the Inventory Items for an invoice receipt, click on the "Items Entry" tab and a screen similar to below will display:

When adding a new Receipt manually, the quantities received will be blank and the Pack Cost will default to the last Receipt record. When editing a Receipt, the quantities received and the Pack Cost will show what was previously entered or what was imported for this Receipt (invoice).

All items that you receive from a vendor will be displayed initially on the grid. To filter the grid to show only the items that have a receiving pack quantity, click the green funnel button on the right of the grid.  

Each column in the above display has a search function that enables you to search within that field. A global search option for an Inventory Item is at the top of the display.

Vendor Item Name: This is the inventory item name that the vendor uses. 

Inventory Item Name: An Inventory Name will default to be the same as the Vendor Item Name. However, if you entered a different Inventory Name for an item than the Vendor Item Name, then that name will display here. 

Item Code: This is the vendor's code for the inventory item.

Pack Size: This is how the vendor packages the inventory item. It should reflect the Pack Cost. 

Pack Qty: This is the number of Packs that were received. This field is editable (or completed if you are manually entering an invoice). 

Pack Cost: This is the amount on the invoice that was charged for a Pack. This field is editable or manually entered if the invoice was not imported.  

Total Cost: This is the Pack Quantity received times the Pack Cost. This field automatically calculates. It can be edited, but it will modify the pack quantity or cost automatically to reflect the new total amount. 

Amount to Distribute: This is the invoice amount that should be the result of all of the line items received on the invoice. This figure is used for balancing with the Distributed Amount as described directly below.  

Distributed Amount: The Total Cost for each inventory item received is subtracted from the Amount to Distribute. Ideally, the distributed amount will equal the Distributed amount and the Remaining Amount will be $0.00.

Remaining Amount: The Remaining Amount is the difference between the amount to distribute and the distributed amount.  

Ordered Quantity and Ordered Cost

If you entered an order number on the Criteria screen for this receipt, then you will see two added columns on display - one displaying the quantity ordered for an item and one showing the order cost for an item. Please see an example below:

If you are entering a receipt manually, then the items, the quantities, and the cost for each item from the order will auto-fill as the quantity and cost received for each item. This is to eliminate the need to enter the received information manually (you can instead only modify any differences to the order). 

If you imported the receipt, then the imported items, quantities, and costs from the invoice will be displayed. You can then utilize the ordered columns as a visual audit to compare what was ordered to what was received. There is also a Receiving Variance report that can be used for this same audit: Receiving Variance Report.

Pack qty column: Enter/edit the quantity received (based on the Pack Size) for each Item.

Pack Cost: Enter/edit the Pack Cost for each Item received (based on Pack Size).

Total Cost: This is a multiplication of Pack Quantity X Pack Cost for each line item. 

Receipt Amount: This is the Invoice amount entered on the Criteria Tab.

Distributed Amount: This is the total cost of each line item on the Receipt added together. 

Remaining Amount: This is the difference between Receipt Amount and Distributed Amount.

Show Image: If a scan or photo of this invoice was provided when the receipt was imported, you can view it by clicking on the Show Image button.

This button for "Toggle Empty Items" will eliminate the display of any items on the invoice with no Pack Quantity received. This button is handy for reducing the number of items showing in the display to only the items received. 

GL Account Entry Tab:

GL Accounts Entry enables you to distribute a portion of the invoice amount directly to a GL (General Ledger) Account.  An example could be cleaning supplies that were on the invoice, but you do not track in inventory. Another example could be the freight cost. 

GL Account Name: Use the "+" to add and search for the desired GL Account and then enter the amount.

Save, Save & Exit, and Exit

At the bottom of the screen are the Save, Save & Exit, and Exit buttons.

Save - Saves the count without exiting.

Save & Exit - Saves and exits the count.

Exit -  Exit without saving.

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