Close Inventory


The Close Inventory feature will disable the ability to edit an Inventory Count. The Count will still display on the Count Inventory display with a message in red of "Count (closed)".  The count can also still be viewed, but not edited.

If you are exporting or manually entering GL Account information in your Accounting system that is sourced from COGS-Well, Closing an Inventory Count will protect the integrity of that information. 

Things to know!

  • This feature will only be accessible and visible to users who are given access to it.
  • After an Inventory Count is closed, it cannot be edited or deleted.
  • There is a function in Tools (Tools>Maintenance>Reopen Inventory) to reopen an inventory count that has been closed.  Access to this feature is only granted to a System Administrator. 
  • Valuation and Group Counts can be closed.
  • Once an inventory count is closed, transactions that were entered before the Closed Inventory Count date will no longer display for Inventory Counts, Receiving, Transfers, and Production, when you select to enter or view any of these types of transactions (see next bullet).   
  • If you want any of the transaction types above that are before a Closed Inventory Count date to continue to display for viewing or auditing purposes, you can configure them to do so in Company Settings. Please click this link for more information on Company Settings Setup
  • the activity for orders, receiving, and transfers that were before the count date will no longer display when you access those entry functions.  

Close Inventory:

To Close an Inventory Count, navigate to Inventory>Entry>Close Inventory.  Upon selection, a screen similar to the one below will display:

Count Date: Use the search drop-down to find the Count you want to close. 

Execute: Clicking the "Execute" button will close the Count.  You will be prompted with the Site information and an "Are you Sure".  

Exit: The "Exit" button on this display is to exit this feature. 

Closed Inventory Count Display:

After a Count is closed, it will display in the Count Inventory list, but it will be flagged and marked in red that it is closed. The Edit and Delete buttons will not be functional. 

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