Reopen Inventory


Reopen Inventory enables a User that has access to this function to reopen an inventory count that has previously been closed. 

Things to know!

  • Only users that have been given access to this function will be able to see or use this function.
  • There is a Close Inventory function in Inventory > Entry > Close Inventory that will "lock in" (no longer allow modification) the Items and quantities recorded for an inventory count for a selected inventory count date.  The Reopen Inventory feature "unlocks" a count that was previously locked so that it can be modified. 

Reopen Inventory:

Navigate to Tools > Maintenance > Reopen Inventory and a screen similar to below will display:

Select a Count Date from the drop-down (it will show all closed count dates). If you are logged into the company then you will see closed counts for all sites. If you are logged into a site you then you will closed counts only for your site. Select the Count you want to modify and then click on Execute.  The Count will no longer be closed and it can now be modified via the Inventory > Entry > Count Inventory function.

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