User Levels - FAQs


User Levels control the features for Setup, transaction Entry, Worksheets, Listings, Reports, Tools, and Exports that a User will be able to see and access from the Main and Process Menus when they log into COGS-Well. Assigning a User Level to a User will simplify navigation by minimizing the features that are included in their navigation menus.

User Level Definitions:

There are five User Levels in COGS-Well. Each level has progressively fewer features available. An overview of the features available for each User Level is provided below. There is also a chart with a detailed listing of the features assigned to each User Level at the end of this article:

  1. Administrator: Access to all features except the tools reserved for COGS-Well support. COGS-Well sets up at least one Administrator for each new customer.
  2. Assistant Administrator: Access to most administrator features except Company Settings, Users, Controller Actions, and some Setup Tools.
  3. Above Site User: Access to most reports including Multi-Site reports, all transaction entry features, and inventory/recipe item setup features. This level is designed for regional/district managers or company executives who need access to information, but do not adminstrate COGS-Well.
  4. Site Manager: Access to transaction entry, worksheets, listings, reports, and item setup features. It is assumed that a site manager will manage the inventory, combined, and recipe items for a single Site such as a hotel or independent restaurant. A site user typically is only given access to one Site.
  5. Site User: Access to transaction entry features, worksheets, and the reports associated with transaction entry. It is assumed that a site user will not manage the inventory, combined, or recipe item database. A site user typically is only given access to one Site.

Things to Know for Users Set Up Before 8/1/24:

  • Users set up before August 1, 2024, have been assigned a User Level by COGS-Well.
  • Users with Administrative Access have been assigned the Administrator User Level.
  • Users without Administrative Access have been assigned the Assistant Admin User Level.
  • The above ensures all existing Users will have access to the same features they had access to before a User Level was assigned.
  • Please consider assigning a lower User Level to Users who are assigned the Assistant Admin User Level if you want to reduce the number of features in their menus.

How to Assign User Levels:

User Levels are assigned via the User Setup feature. This feature can be accessed via Company>Setup>Users from the Main Menu or Manage Users>Users from the Process Menu. The User Level field with the drop-down selection display is shown below:

User Level is a required field. Use the drop-down icon to view and select a User Level from the five available selections. A User will see navigation menus for a newly assigned User Level the next time they log into COGS-Well. Please click this link if you would like more information on Setting Up Users.

User Menu Option:

If you discover that one of COGS-Well's five User Levels provides access to features you wish to eliminate, or there are a few features you wish to add to a navigation menu, then you can create a customized "User Menu" and assign it to a User(s). Please click this link for more information on User Menus. If you wish to create a User Menu, we suggest you contact

Features and User Levels Chart:

Below is a listing of the features that each User Level is assigned. The list includes all features for setup, transaction entry, worksheets, listings, reports, company settings, and tools. As you scroll down the chart, you see the features that are excluded from the prior User Level:

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