User Setup


The Users feature enables you to add and maintain the Users that will have access to your COGS-Well system. Each User will have an email address, login, and password assigned to their account.  Users can be given or denied Administrator status (access to all company and site features), and site access can be given for all sites or only a specific site or sites.  

Things to know!

  • The Setup feature for Users will only be available to Users that are given access to this feature. This is typically a system administrator only.
  • When a new user is added, a Welcome email can be sent to the User's email address. This email will provide the new User with their COGS-Well Site URL, and their Login Name and Password.
  • Users can change their passwords via the change password function in the Tools Menu.
  • When a user logs into COGS-Well, they will only see menus, and functions that they have been granted access to.  
  • A User will only have access to your company features if they have been given administrator status.  They will also only have access to the Site or Sites they have been given access to. 
  • A User's access to features and functions can be further managed by creating a User Menu via Company > Setup > User Menus and then assigning a User that User Menu.
  • Menu feature access for all Users who are defined as a Site User (not given Administrator status) can be further managed via Company>Maintenance>Exclude Features from Site. 
  • The COGS-Well support team will set up at least one User in your system who is typically your system administrator.

Add/Edit Users

Navigate to Company>Setup>Sites to add or edit Users. You will see a "Find Grid"y similar to below listing all of the Users that have been set up in your system:

Click the plus "+ Add" key to add a new user or select Edit or Delete to view or modify a User.  If we select to edit a User, we will see a screen similar to the one below:

User Tab - General Column:

The User's screen will have a User tab for information about each User and a Sites tab for assigning Sites to a User (if they are not granted access to all sites). 

First and Last name: Enter the user's first and last name.

Email: Enter the user's email address

Login: Enter the user's login ID.

Password: Enter the user's password.  A user can change their password. 

User Tab - Settings Column:

Active:  Only active  users can access COGS-Well. You can make an active User inactive by unchecking the box and make them active again later by checking the box. 

User has Access to All Sites:  Click this box to add a checkmark if you want the user to have access to all Sites. Leave this box blank if you want to assign the Site or Sites the User will have access to.

It is common for in-restaurant Users to be given access to their Site only and for above-restaurant staff to be given access to all or multiple Sites. If this box is left blank, a tab will be displayed for assigning the Site or Sites to this User.

User has Administrative Access: This option gives the User access to all menus, features, and functions in COGS-Well.  In addition, if you don't flag a user as an Administrator then they will not have access to the Company menu, the Accounting menu, or most of the Tool menu functions.

They also will not be able to see or access your company from the company and site drop-down that is on the top right of the main menu bar  - they can only access a site or sites. The example below shows an example of an administrator seeing options to select a Company or a Site via the drop-down button at the top left of the main dashboard. :

User May Validate Newly Imported Data: The Alerts dashboard displays new items requiring validation. Because our Receiving Audit team validates items for most of our customers, this display may or may not be useful. In addition, the jump key for items that require validation will jump to the validate item feature.

If you have Users that you do not want to have access to validation features, and/or, you have Users that don't need to see items requiring validation in the Alerts display, then you can disable validation by unchecking this box. 

User Menu: There is an option on the drop-down menu for Company Setup to set up User Menus.  This feature allows you to set up access to a specific set of features and functions that has been previously set up in a User Menu. It saves time to set up User Menus for feature sets that are going to be common to multiple Users. 

An example is setting up a "Restaurant Manager" User Menu in a situation where you have multiple restaurants.  The drop-down menu for the User Menu field on this screen will allow you to select a User Menu for this User.  For more information on User Menus please navigate to Companies > Setup > User Menus or see help for the User Menus User Menu link.

Send Welcome Email: A Welcome email can optionally be sent to a new User. If you want to send a new User an email with the new User's Login Name and Password, then click on the Send Welcome Email button. Below is an example of the email that will be sent:

Sites tab:

You will only see the Sites tab if a user is not granted access to all sites on the User tab. The Sites tab enables you to define what Site or Sites the user will have access to. If we select the Sites tab then we will see a display similar to the one below:

Available and Selected: Listed under the Available column are all the available Sites that can be selected for this User. Listed under the Selected column are all Sites that have been included for this User. To move a Site from one selection to another, check the box by the Site or Sites you want to move and then hit the arrow direction that you want to move them.

Save, Delete, and Exit:

At the bottom of the screen are the Save, Delete, and Exit buttons.

Save - Saves the entry or entries without exiting.

Delete - Deletes the User. You will be asked, "are you sure"?

Exit -  Exits without saving any new entries or edits.

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