Process Menu - FAQs


The Process Menu provides an added option for navigation to the Main Menu. The Process Menu simplifies navigation by putting features for a process such as counting inventory, in the same menu option. For example, the "Count" menu option on the Process Menu includes features for the Count Worksheet, Count Entry, and Extension Report on the same sub-menu.

Other attributes that may make the Process Menu easier to use than the Main Menu are sub-menus which include fewer features than the Main Menu. In addition, the sub-menus are only one level deep (versus two levels on the Main Menu).

Finally, the Process Menu is not limited by horizontal space like the Main Menu is. By using the vertical axis, the Process Menu can provide more concise menu options.

The Process Menu:

The Process Menu is displayed vertically on the left side of the Dashboard. Like the Main Menu, it will automatically configure to only include features enabled in your Company Settings, and only the features for an assigned User Level. An example of the Process Menu is shown below:

Things to Know:

  • Use of the Process Menu is optional.
  • The Main Menu, which is displayed horizontally across the top, will always remain available.
  • Administrative features such as most Tools, Accounting Setup, and Standard Exports can only be accessed via the Main Navigation Menu (they are not included in the Process Menu).
  • Like the Main Menu, User Levels control the features included in the Process Menu and by what has been enabled in your Company Settings.
  • The Process Menu can be applied to all Users in your company by selecting the "Default Process Menu (Global)" on the General Tab in your Company Settings.
  • The Default Process Menu (Global) can be assigned to a User if you do not want it to apply to your Company via the User Setup feature.
  • The Process Menu no longer displays when a feature is accessed (to maintain full real estate for the feature). Click on the Dashboard Tab on the top left to return to the Process Menu.
  • To eliminate features from the Process Menu (and the Main Menu) for a specific User, you can lower their User Level.

Other Differences in Navigation Menus:

Transaction Processes:

The Main Menu is organized by common feature types. For example, all worksheets, transaction entries, listings, and reports for an area of focus like Inventory share a common sub-menu such as the "Enter" menu option which includes features for counting, ordering, receiving, and transferring inventory as shown below:

Unlike the Main Menu example above, the Process Menu is organized by common processes or tasks such as counting, ordering, receiving, or transferring inventory as shown in the example below:

On the Process Menu, all the features associated with a process like counting inventory such as the worksheet, entry, and reports are provided on the sub-menu. To provide an example, the sub-menus for "Count" and "Order are shown below (these examples show a Site Manager User Level):

By using the Process Menu, a User can use a common sub-menu to access all features necessary to complete a process. On the Main Menu, however, a User would first navigate to Worksheets, then to Entry, and then to Reports in the Inventory Main Menu to complete a process like inventory counts. For process-orientated end-users, the Process Menu will be easier to learn and use.

Setup Features:

The sub-menus for setup features in the Main Navigation Menu can include as many as 20 different setup features so it can sometimes be a little hard to find the setup feature you require. An example of the Inventory>Setup submenu is below:

More setup options are provided in the Process Menu which can make finding the setup features easier. In the example below, the Process Menu provides menu options specific to an area of inventory management such as Inventory Items, Vendors, Ordering, or Combined Items. The result is more concise menu options with fewer features in the sub-menus as shown below:


The Process Menu has been automatically added to new Customers after August 1, 2024. The Process Menu has not been added to customers who received their initial setup before this date, however. These customers can add the Process Menu by selecting the "Default Process Menu (Global)" as the Process Menu selection on the General Tab in Company Settings.

The Process Menu should be easier for most users to learn and navigate. Like the Main Navigation Menu, the Process Menu configures to only include features that are enabled in your Company Settings and for the User Level assigned to a User.

If you have questions or need assistance with the Process Menu, please don't hesitate to contact

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