Company Settings


Company Settings are used to manage the available primary features, and the options for those features, in your COGS-Well system.

The ability to control what features and options are enabled allows you to manage the features and options available to your end-users. You can also streamline your navigation, data entry, and reporting to reflect only your needs, potentially making the system less complex for end-users.

COGS-Well support sets up your initial Company Settings and they can be modified at any time. Changes to your Company Settings can be impactful. Therefore, please don't hesitate to contact if you would like assistance.  An example of the company settings display is shown below:

Things to know!

  • Company Settings enable (or disable) the primary features and their associated options.
  • Only System Administrators will have access to Company Settings.
  • Disabling features and options that you currently do not plan to utilize will simplify navigation and screens for your end users.
  • A disabled feature or option can be enabled at any time.
  • A tab will be created in Company Settings to configure the options for each primary feature that is enabled. The tabs are displayed from left to right across the top of the display.

View or Edit Company Settings:

To access Company Settings, use the Sidebar to navigate to the Manage Company menu option and then select this feature. Upon selection, you will see the General Tab for Company Settings as shown in the example below: 

General Tab:

The General Tab in Company Settings is used to configure company information, enable primary features, and configure global settings. 

The tabs displayed to the right of the General Tab will appear for each feature that is enabled. For example, the primary feature for ordering is enabled, so we see a tab for ordering where we can configure the ordering options.

Please note that the Receiving, Inventory Counts, and Recipe primary features are always enabled so you will always see tabs with options for these three primary features.

General Tab - Company Information:

Company Name and Address: COGS-Well sets up and controls these fields. If you desire a change or addition, don't hesitate to get in touch with COGS-Well support. 

Phone #'s and Email: These fields are for your use and are optional. Enter or modify these fields as desired to reflect your Company.

Primary Menu: Leave this field blank unless you have created User Menus. If you have created User Menus, then you will see those menus as options in the drop-down.  

Primary Sidebar Menu: This field will default to the Primary Sidebar Menu. Unless you wish to eliminate the Sidebar, do not change or delete this selection.

General Tab - Options Column:

Enable Inventory Features: This checkbox controls whether the inventory features and reports are available to Users. This primary feature is controlled by COGS-Well support and it will always be enabled.  

Enable Ordering Features: You can enter orders and email them to your vendors in COGS-Well. You can enter orders by vendor or by item. COGS-Well can also suggest reordering levels for inventory items. A checkmark will include ordering features on your Inventory main menu (no checkmark removes them).  For more information on using Ordering, please view this FAQ article on Ordering

Enable Transfer Features: COGS-Well allows you to manage transfers of items (inventory or recipe items) between Sites and/or a Commissary. Features for Transfer Requests, Fulfillment, and Approvals are included. A checkmark will include transfer features on your navigation menu (no checkmark removes them).  For more information on Transfers, please view this FAQ article on Transfers

Enable Commissary Features: Commissary features are included in our COGS+ product for no additional fee. This setting is controlled by COGS-Well so that we can track which customers have asked us to enable Commissary features.  For more information on Commissary features, please view this FAQ article on Commissary Features. If you would like to enable commissary features, then please contact 

Enable Inventory Depletion Features: If you want to enter, track, and report items that are depleted from inventory for known reasons such as donations or promotional activities, then this feature should be enabled. For more information on Inventory Depletion features, please view this FAQ on Inventory Depletion

Enable Theoretical Features: This checkbox controls whether your POS integration and the theoretical cost and usage features ("theoreticals") are enabled. This primary feature is controlled by COGS-Well support and it will always be enabled.  

Enable Waste Features: You can enter,  track, and report waste (spoilage or damaged items) for Inventory and Recipe Items. A checkmark will include waste features on your navigation menu (no checkmark removes them). For more information on Waste features, please view this FAQ on Waste.

Enable Sales Entry Features: You can enter sales transaction counts for Sales Items (Recipe Items that are sold) manually if they cannot be imported as part of COGS-Well's normal Sales Mix collection from your POS system. For more information please view this article on Sales Entry - FAQs.

Enable Financial Features: This checkbox controls whether the POS Financial features are on your main menu. This box is only enabled if you are subscribing to our POS+ product. The checkbox is controlled by COGS-Well support.  For more information on POS Financials, please view this FAQ on POS+

Enable Standard Export Features: COGS-Well has accounting system exports for most of the popular accounting systems that will normally cover any export requirements you have. The Standard Exports are only enabled if/when you need a generic data export for another system. Please contact if you think you need a Standard Export.  

General Tab - Settings Column:

Active: Normally, this button is always active. If you no longer want to utilize a company but want to retain its database, you can make it inactive by eliminating the checkmark.  You can make it active again later.  

Multiple Sites: COGS-Well Support maintains this setting. A Site is an inventory control location such as a restaurant or commissary. A checkmark in Multiple Sites indicates that you have more than one Site. For more information about Sites, please view this FAQ article on Sites

Enable Business Units: Business Units enable a chain with multiple Sites to group those Sites into common groups (business units). Typically, Business Units are created when some of the Sites that will be added to the database represent a unique restaurant concept, and/or utilize a different accounting system or a different chart of accounts. Normally, Business Units are managed by COGS-Well support.

History Edit Days: This is the number of days before today's date that a User can view or edit transaction data entries such as an inventory count or an invoice receipt. 

Un-delete Days: This is the number of days before today's date that a User can go back and recover items or transactions in the system that were previously deleted. 

Multiple Company Settings Help Articles:

This article will review the options and settings that display on the General Tab in Company Settings. The General Tab is the tab you will land on when you first navigate to Company Settings.

Due to the numerous configuration options that are available for each primary feature, and the fact that you may or may not enable some of the primary features, a help article has been created for configuring options for each primary feature. Links to each article are provided below:

Save or Exit:  

Select save to save any additions or changes. Select exit to exit the function.

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