Company Settings Setup


Company Settings are used to manage the available features, and the options for those features, in your COGS-Well system.

For example, ordering, transfers, and waste features can be enabled or disabled in Company Settings. If a feature is enabled, such as ordering, then ordering options (an example is the use of Par Levels) can be configured.

The ability to control what features and options are enabled allows you to manage the features and options available to your end-users. You can also streamline your navigation, data entry, and reporting to reflect only your needs, potentially making the system less complex for end-users.

COGS-Well support sets up your initial Company Settings and they can be modified at any time. Changes to your Company Settings can be impactful. Therefore, please don't hesitate to contact if you would like assistance.  

Things to know!

  • Company Settings are used to enable (or disable) the features, and options for features, that are available to end-users.
  • Features and options that you do not plan to utilize can be disabled, thus simplifying navigation, data entry, and reporting for your end users.
  • A disabled feature or option can be enabled at any time.
  • Only System Administrators will have access to Company Settings.
  • The COGS-Well support team configures your initial Company Settings.  
  • Changes to Company Settings can be impactful. Please don't hesitate to contact for assistance.

Edit Company Settings

To access Company Settings, navigate to Company>Setup>Company Settings and you will see the General Tab for Company Settings like the example that is below: 

General Tab:

As an overview, the General Tab is used to configure company information, enable core features, and configure global settings. 

The tabs that display to the right of the General Tab will appear for each feature that is enabled. For example, ordering and transfers are enabled so we see a tab for ordering and a tab for transfers. These tabs are used to configure additional information for the feature they represent.  

General Tab - Company Information:

Company Name and Address: These fields are set up and controlled by COGS-Well.  If you desire a change or addition, please contact COGS-Well support. 

Phone #'s and Email: These fields are for your use and are optional. Enter or modify these fields as desired to reflect your Company.

Primary Menu: This field should be left blank unless you want to select a unique menu for your Company. A blank will default to COGS-Well's standard or "Primary (Global) menu". If you have created User Menus, then you will see those menus as options in the drop-down.  

General Tab - Options Column:

Enable Inventory Features: This checkbox controls whether the inventory features and reports are available to Users. This box is always enabled if you are subscribing to our COGS+ product. The checkbox is controlled by COGS-Well support. The primary inventory features are for Counts, Ordering, Receiving, Transfers, and Commissary.  

Enable Ordering Features: You can enter orders and email them to your vendors in COGS-Well. You can enter orders by vendor or by item. COGS-Well can also suggest reordering levels for inventory items. A checkmark will include ordering features on your Inventory main menu (no checkmark removes them).  For more information on using Ordering, please view this FAQ article on Ordering

Enable Transfer Features: COGS-Well allows you to manage transfers of items (inventory or recipe items) between Sites and/or a Commissary. Features for Transfer Requests, Fulfillment, and Approvals are included. A checkmark will include transfer features on your navigation menu (no checkmark removes them).  For more information on Transfers, please view this FAQ article on Transfers

Enable Commissary Features: Commissary features are included in our COGS+ product for no additional fee. This setting is controlled by COGS-Well so that we can track which customers have asked us to enable Commissary features.  For more information on Commissary features, please view this FAQ article on Commissary Features. If you would like to enable commissary features, then please contact 

Enable Inventory Depletion Features: If you want to enter, track, and report items that are depleted from inventory for known reasons such as donations or promotional activities, then this feature should be enabled. For more information on Inventory Depletion features, please view this FAQ on Inventory Depletion

Enable Theoretical Features: This checkbox controls whether the theoretical cost and usage features ("theoreticals") are available to Users. This box is always enabled if you are subscribing to our COGS+ product. The checkbox is controlled by COGS-Well. The primary theoretical features are an interface with your Point of Sales (POS system), theoretical cost, usage, and on-hand reports, theoretical versus actual variance reporting, and menu analytics reporting. 

Enable Waste Features: You can enter,  track, and report waste (spoilage or damaged items) for Inventory and Recipe Items. A checkmark will include waste features on your navigation menu (no checkmark removes them). For more information on Waste features, please view this FAQ on Waste.

Enable Sales Entry Features: You can enter sales transaction counts for Sales Items (Recipe Items that are sold) manually if they cannot be imported as part of COGS-Well's normal Sales Mix collection from your POS system. For more information please view this article on Sales Entry - FAQs.

Enable Financial Features: This checkbox controls whether the POS Financial features are on your main menu. This box is only enabled if you are subscribing to our POS+ product. The checkbox is controlled by COGS-Well support.  This setting enables an interface with your Point of Sales (POS system) to collect and report on financial and statistical information.  It also provides a sales journal with a posting option to your general ledger system. For more information on POS Financials, please view this FAQ on POS+

Enable Standard Export Features: COGS-Well has accounting system exports for most of the popular accounting systems that will normally cover any export requirements you have. The Standard Exports are only enabled if/when you need a generic data export for another system. Please contact if you think you need a Standard Export.  

General Tab - Settings Column:

Active: Normally, this button is always active. If you no longer want to utilize a company but want to retain its database, you can make it inactive by eliminating the checkmark.  You can make it active again later.  

Multiple Sites: COGS-Well Support maintains this setting. A Site is an inventory control location such as a restaurant or commissary. A checkmark in Multiple Sites indicates that you have more than one Site. For more information, please view this FAQ article on Sites

Enable Business Units: Business Units enable a chain with multiple Sites to group those Sites into common groups (business units). Typically, Business Units are created when some of the Sites that will be added to the database represent a unique restaurant concept, and/or utilize a different accounting system or a different chart of accounts. Normally, Business Units are managed by COGS-Well support.

History Edit Days: This is the number of days before today's date that a User can view or edit transaction data entries such as an inventory count or an invoice receipt. 

Un-delete Days: This is the number of days before today's date that a User can go back and recover items or transactions in the system that were previously deleted. 

Ordering Tab:

Ordering is an optional feature in COGS-Well and there are several different ways to implement the way you use ordering.  For more information on Ordering, please view this FAQ article on Ordering. The ordering tab will only display if the ordering feature is enabled on the General Tab.  

Beginning Order Number: If you want to use Order numbers different than the defaults, enter a starting order number for your purchase orders.

Ending Order Number: You can optionally put a cap on how high purchase order numbers can go.  

Next Order Number: COGS-Well will generate purchase order numbers in increments of 1 unless you select the next order number with a different increment.  For example, if your starting number is 100 and you want an increment of 5, then enter 105 as the next order number. 

Email Order to Current User: This feature will email a copy of orders that are emailed to a vendor to the user's email that sent the order.  

Enable Order By Item Features:  The default ordering process in COGS-Well is to order by the vendor.  However, there is an option to also order by item.  The process for ordering by item is to select the items you want to order and not be limited to one vendor. 

Order by Item also can be used to help you select what vendor to order an item from in situations where you get the same item from more than one vendor. For more information please view this Help article on Order by Item.  If you check the box for order by item, then there will be added settings to configure (please see below):

Things to Know about Order by Item: You can use both the order by the vendor and the order by item options (if you enable Order by Item then you will see both options on the Inventory Entry menu). If you do not enable Order By Item, then this option will not show up on the Inventory Entry menu and you will not see the added settings fields.  

The added settings for Order by Item only need to be configured if you want COGS-Well to help you select the vendor to order an item.  Please click this link for more information on Combined Items.

Number of Activity History Days:  This determines how far back in history COGS-Well will look at item activity. The default is 365 days. 

Number of Pricing Activity History Days:  This determines how far back in history COGS-Well will look at your cost (the vendor's pricing) from each vendor when evaluating an Inventory Item's cost. The default is All History. 

First Combined Item Selection Method: When selecting (suggesting) a vendor to buy from, COGS-Well can look at three criteria: 1) Does this item come from a vendor that is flagged as preferred, 2) what vendor has the lowest cost, or 3) what vendor has the most recent cost.  Use the drop-down to select what you want the priority to be for selecting (suggesting) a vendor.  Please know that a selected vendor for a suggested order can still be changed. 

Second Combined Item Selection Method: Use the drop-down to select what you want the second priority to be for selecting (suggesting)a vendor.

Enable Override of Selection Methods when Ordering:  Only check this box if you are comfortable letting an end-user doing the ordering override the First and Second Combined Item vendor Selection Methods that you configure above.   

Receiving Tab:

Receiving is the process of importing and tracking invoices from your vendors, including the details about the Inventory Items that are received.  Most of our customers are either importing invoices from an Accounts Payable Automation system such as Plate IQ, using COGS-Well's Invoice+, or importing them directly from their vendors such as Sysco or US Foods. The Receiving tab in Company Settings is used to configure the Receiving settings.

Receiving Settings:

Require Balanced Receipts:  If you are not posting invoices from COGS-Well to an Accounts Payable system, then balanced receipts are not important. An invoice that is "in balance" means the invoice amount that comes from the vendor matches the distribution total that was entered into COGS-Well. The distribution total in COGS-Well represents the items received multiplied by their quantity received and pack cost, plus any discounts, shipping, tax, or direct GL distributions that are entered. 

Note: If you are planning on posting invoices to an accounts payable system via COGS-Well, and If this box is checked, an invoice cannot be posted to Accounts Payable if it is not in balance. If this box is not selected, you can select a Receipt Balancing account on the field above and any out-of-balance amounts will be distributed to the GL Account you select. On the Enter Receiving transaction display, any invoice receipt that is out of balance will display in red on a new "Status" column.  Please see below:

Allow Editing of Exported Receipts: If you do not want invoice receipts that have been exported to Accounts Payable to be editable, then check this box. A System Administrator will still be able to adjust a Receipt, but not other Users.  If you are a Plate IQ user, your Receipts that are imported by COGS-Well will automatically be flagged in the Status Column as Exported.

Enable Receipt Approval: If you are using COGS-Well to export Receipts to accounts payable, and you want your users to approve the Receipts before they can be exported, then click this box. 

Hide Receipts Before a Closed Inventory Count:  COGS-Well provides a "Close Inventory" feature in Inventory>Entry>Close Inventory. This feature makes an Inventory Count Entry uneditable. Checking this box will not display Receiving transactions before a Closed Inventory Count on the Enter Receiving transaction display. Please click this link for more information on Close Inventory.   

Enable Cost Alerts: Cost Alerts will provide a dashboard notification when the cost of an inventory item changes more than a preset percentage amount. Check the box to enable this feature. Please click this link for more information on Cost Alerts

Default Cost Alert Trigger Percentage: COGS-Well can generate a dashboard alert when there is a cost change for an inventory item(s) that is equal to or greater than the "Trigger Percentage".  There is also a "Cost Alerts" report in inventory reports.  If you would like to receive cost alerts or to report on cost alerts, enter your desired trigger percentage here.  Please note that you can override the trigger percentage you enter here for selected Inventory Departments, Inventory Categories, or even Inventory Items.

Cost Alert History Days: If you plan to use cost alerts, this is the number of days in history that COGS-Well will look back through new invoice price changes for generating cost alerts. For example, if 14 days is selected then the price of items received over the last 14 days will be compared to historical prices to see if the trigger percentage occurred.

Receiving Accounts:

This section is only required if you are going to utilize COGS-Well to export invoices to your Accounts Payable system. Every entry in this column will be a selection from your GL accounts. The Accounting Tab on the far right of Company settings is where you select if you will export invoices to Accounts Payable. 

Receipt Balancing Account: Select an account from your chart of accounts where your system will post any difference between the invoice amount calculated by the vendor versus the amount calculated by COGS-Well. To calculate an invoice amount, COGS-Well multiplies each Inventory Item by its quantity received and price on the invoice and then totals the invoice. 

Accounts Payable Liability account:  This is the GL account that you utilize for the dollar amounts owed to your Vendors.    

Tax Expense Account: This is the GL account that you expense sales tax to. 

Fuel/Surcharge Expense Account: This is the GL account in which you expense fuel or other surcharges. 

Credit Expense Account: This is the GL account that any credits (cost reversals) will go to. 

Discount Expense Account: This is the GL account that any discounts will go against.  

Transfers Tab:

The Transfer feature is for customers with multiple Sites (restaurants or a commissary) that transfer items (Inventory or Recipe Items) between their Sites. The transfers tab will only display if the transfer feature is enabled on the General Tab. For more information on transfer options, please click this link to the FAQ article on Transfers. Transfers

Transfer Settings:

Enable Transfers Across Business Units: If you enabled Business Units, this field will display.  If you plan to transfer from Sites in one Business Unit to another, then check this box.   

Enable Unrequested Fulfillments: If this option is not enabled then a user cannot Fulfill a Transfer unless a Transfer Request exists.  The reason this option exists is a manager at one restaurant location may call a manager at another site to see if they have an item they need.  If the manager at the site receiving the call has the item, and if it is an urgent situation, that manager may fulfill the transfer right away. This option enables the manager who fulfilled the transfer to enter it without a request and it frees up the manager who receives the transfer from having to enter a transfer request for items that have already been fulfilled. 

Default Fulfillment Quantity to Requested Quantity: The default for this option is a checkmark. If the box is checked then the fulfillment quantity column on the fulfillment entry display will default to the requested quantity. This default amount can be edited and it exists for convenience. If you do not want this to occur then you can uncheck this setting.  

Require Transfer Fulfillment Request: The default when the Save button is clicked when a Transfer Request is entered is to send the request to the Site the request is being made to. However, if you check this box then the user that is entering a Transfer Request can save the request and send it later.  If you think it is possible that a user entering a Transfer Request could be interrupted while entering a request and will want to save the request and complete it later, then check this box.   

Enable Transfer Approval: If you enable transfers then you will see the option to Enable Transfer Approval.  Transfer approval adds a requirement to the transfer request function for the Site that made the transfer request to approve that the fulfillment record was accurate. 

Require Inventory Item Group: Check this box if you want to require a User to select an Inventory Group when they print the transfer worksheet and enter a transfer request or fulfillment.  

Hide Transfers Before a Closed Inventory Count:  COGS-Well provides a "Close Inventory" feature in Inventory>Entry>Close Inventory. This feature makes an Inventory Count Entry uneditable. Checking this box will not display Transfer transactions before a Closed Inventory Count on the Enter Transfers transaction displays. Please click this link for more information on Close Inventory.   

Commissary Balancing Account: If you have enabled Commissary features then this account is used for any rounding errors in transfer costs from the commissary.

Enable Department Transfers: The Department Transfer features can be used to adjust inventory item usage and costs when an item is purchased/expense to one Department (such as Food), but is then transferred to a different Department (such as the bar). Department Transfers - FAQs.

Transfer Entry Display Options:

Hide Pack Cost: Check this box if you do not want an Item's Pack Cost to display on the Transfer Worksheet or Transfer Entry features. 

Hide Pack Size and Quantity: Check this box if you do not want an Item's Pack Size or a Pack Size Quantity to display on the Transfer Worksheet or Transfer Entry features (the default is to show both Packs and Count Units). If you select to hide the Pack Size and Pack Quantity, then just the Count Unit Size and Quantity will be utilized.  

Hide Count Unit Size and Quantity: Check this box if you do not want an Item's Count Unit Size or a Count Unit Quantity to display on the Transfer Worksheet or Transfer Entry features (the default is to show both Packs and Count Units). If you select to hide the Count Unit Size and Quantity, then just the Pack Size and Quantity will be utilized.  

Hide Total Amount: Check this box if you do not want the Entry features to display the Total Amount (Total Cost) for a transferred item. 

Hide Comments: Check this box if you do not want the Entry features to display the Comments for a transferred item. 

Inventory Counts:

The Count Inventory feature is for recording or reviewing inventory counts and inventory extension reporting. Extension values or Extension Adjustment amounts can be posted to your General Ledger. This tab configures settings related to tracking and entering Inventory Counts and it includes special options if counts are going to be taken via a Tablet device. For more information, please click this link to a Help article on Inventory Counts.  

Inventory Counts Settings:

Valuation Method: COGS-Well provides an option to use Weighted Average or Effective Cost for determining the cost utilized to calculate the value of an item that is counted when you take an inventory.  Summary explanations of each valuation method are below and if you would like more detail, please see this FAQ article on Valuation and Costing Methods

Effective Cost: Effective Cost utilizes the cost from your last purchase of an Inventory Item to value the total quantity of that item. For example, if you had 3 boxes of carrots as an ending inventory count, and if the most current purchase of carrots was for 2 boxes at $10.00 per box, then the ending inventory value for carrots would be $30.00 (3 boxes times $10.00 per box).  Notice that all 3 boxes are valued at the cost per case of the most recent purchase. 

Weighted Average Cost: Weighted Average Cost uses your starting Item count and value, then adds the quantity and cost of the purchases since your last inventory count, to determine the price to utilize to value your ending Item count.  If you had 3 boxes of carrots valued at $10.00 per case at the start of the period, and if you bought 2 more boxes during the period at $10.50 per box, then the weighted average cost per box for the ending inventory of carrots will be $10.20. 

Hide Items Created After the Count Date: If a new Item that you count is added to your database after an inventory count has already been entered, then the default is for that item not to show up if you view the count entry or run an extension report. Uncheck this box if you want Items created after the count date to be included. 

Disable Use of Storage Locations:  COGS-Well defaults to assuming that your Site(s) will want to utilize Storage Locations when they enter Inventory Counts.  Therefore, there are several features related to setting up and maintaining Storage Locations that can be disabled if you do not plan to use Storage Locations.  If you do not count inventory using Storage Locations, the counts can be entered by Inventory Category. 

Default to Count Items by Location: If you plan to always (or usually) count your Inventory Items by Storage Location, then by putting a checkmark in this box, the Inventory Count Worksheet and Count Entry function will default to enter counts by Storage Location.  

Default to Count Items by Location Sequence: If you plan to always (or usually) count your Inventory Items by Storage Location and you checked the box for default to count items by location, then the option to also default to count items by storage location sequence can also be selected.  

Show Previous Count Quantities: You can include the counted quantities for items from the previous inventory count on the Count Worksheet and the Count Entry Display if you check this box.

Allow Copying of Previous Counts: If you have a certain category of Items where the quantity on hand does not change enough to warrant counting these items every time you take inventory, then put a checkmark in this box to create an option for copying a previous inventory count for a category of Items into a new count.  An example of Items that might fit this feature is paper supplies that typically have the same count on hand at any given time, and/or the value is never very significant.  More information on this function is available via this link: Enter Inventory Counts.  

Hide Costs on Inventory Counts: If you do not want the Users who are counting or entering your inventory counts to see the cost of your items, then you should check this box. 

Hide Counts Before a Closed Inventory Count:  COGS-Well provides a "Close Inventory" feature in Inventory>Entry>Close Inventory. This feature makes an Inventory Count Entry uneditable. Checking this box will not display Count transactions before a Closed Inventory Count on the Enter Counts transaction displays. Please click this link for more information on Close Inventory.   

Show Most Recent Combined Item Child: If you have set up Combined Items that are flagged to be counted, then selecting this option will show only the most recently received Inventory Item that is assigned to a Combined item on the Inventory Count Worksheet and the Inventory Count Entry.

Inventory Counts - Desktop and Tablet Display Options:

As a default, COGS-Well displays multiple columns on the Inventory Count Entry display to provide added information about each Item being counted. To save real estate on a smaller display, or to remove information from view, columns can be controlled using these settings. There are settings for your Standard Display and for a Tablet.

If you would like more information on counting inventory on a tablet, please view this Help Article on Entering Counts on a Tablet

Recipes Tab:

The Recipe Item feature is where you configure and maintain the attributes of your recipes. In Recipe Items Setup you can enter the ingredients you use in a recipe item and their portion size. This tab configures features related to Recipe Items. The Recipes Tab will always display on the company settings options. Please click this link if you would like more information on Setting Up Recipe Items

Hide Recipe Cost from Recipe Find Screen: When you select the Recipe Item Setup feature, it loads a Recipe Item Find Screen that displays a "groid" with all of your Recipe Items in rows with item attributes in columns. One of the columns on this grid is for the recipe item cost.  If you have created a lot of recipe items with ingredients, then the grid can take a long time to display because it is recalculating the cost of the ingredients for each recipe item. If you check the box to hide this column, the grid will load more quickly. 

Enable Recipe Versioning: Check this box if you want to keep track of older versions of your recipes. For example, suppose your original chicken salad recipe has 4 ounces of Chicken and no grapes, and you now want to change it to 5 ounces of Chicken with grapes. In this case, versioning allows you to modify your original recipe to the new version and save the old version as well.

Also, if you run theoretical cost or usage reports over a date range that includes a prior version of a recipe, the calculations will reflect the prior version. For more information on recipe versioning, please click this FAQ article for Recipe Versions

Enable Grams in Recipes: Enable this feature only if you plan to build your recipes using grams as the recipe unit for every ingredient that uses Weight as its Primary Measure Class. Grams will also become the default recipe unit for every ingredient that has weight as its Primary Measure Class. 

If you only sometimes enter the quantity used in a recipe in grams, then do not enable grams here. Instead, selecting grams as a recipe unit is more efficient when you configure those ingredients. Please click this link for more information on Recipe Information Configuration.  

Enable Yields in Recipes: If an item you use as an ingredient has less than 100% yield, then by enabling this feature you can enter the actual yield for items. Doing this will cause the theoretical cost and usage reporting for this item to adjust for the yield. An example of an item with less than 100% yield is a head of lettuce.

If a head of lettuce weighs 16 ounces when you take it out of the case, but only weighs 12 ounces after you take off the outer leaves and take out the core, then lettuce has a yield of 75% (12 divided by 16). Before you enable this feature, please consider there are other ways to manage yields. For a more detailed discussion of yields, please click this link: What are yields?

Enable Production Features: COGS-Well allows you to enter production (how much was prepared) for Recipe Items.  For example, If you prepared 5 gallons of blue cheese dressing, and if you flag blue cheese dressing as a recipe that you want to track production for, then via production you can enter the 5 gallons you produced.

As a “production item”, blue cheese dressing will be treated as an inventory item, you can use it in other recipes, and its inventory usage will be reported on blue cheese dressing (versus its ingredients). For more information on Production, please click this link to an FAQ article on Production Items.

Enable Preparation Instructions: Recipe preparation instructions and pictures will be available in a future release of the software.  When this feature is completed and made available, this box is where this feature will be enabled. If you would like more information please click this link to an FAQ article on Prep Instructions

Enable Recipe Labor Cost Feature: COGS-Well has an optional feature to include a labor cost for Recipe Items. If this feature is used it will enable you to see a labor cost and a food or beverage dollar cost and percentage for a Recipe Item as well as the combined dollar cost (often called "Prime Cost") cost in dollars and percentage. For more information please view this FAQ article on Labor Costs in Recipes.    

Default Recipe Cost Type for Recipe Reporting: This field only displays if you enable the Labor Cost feature. This is a default for the reports that include recipe costs, but there is an override when you run these reports to change this default.  There are three options (see below):

COGS Only: The COGS-only default will exclude labor costs from the reports that utilize recipe costs.  For example, if the Theoretical Cost of Sales report is run for COGS only then the recipe cost of the menu items in the report will only include the food or beverage costs. 

Labor Cost Only: The Labor Cost Only default will exclude food and beverages from the reports that utilize recipe costs.  For example, if the Theoretical Cost of Sales report is run for Labor only then the recipe cost of the menu items in the report will only include the labor costs.

Prime Cost (both): The Prime Cost default will include food/ beverage and labor costs in the reports that utilize recipe costs.  For example, if the Theoretical Cost of Sales report is run for Prime Cost then all food, beverage, and labor costs for the menu items in the report will be included.    

Production Tab:

Production is a way to track the quantity or "batches" being made and used for a Recipe Item that you prepare.  If a Recipe Item is flagged for production, it also becomes a "Production Item".

Typically, Production Items are recipes that you prepare in advance, in a batch size larger than a single portion, and then use in smaller portions in recipes for items that you sell. For more information on Production, please click this link to an FAQ article on Production Items.

Enable Yields in Production: This tab will only display if you enable Production on the Recipes tab. Sometimes the actual yield after producing a recipe can be different than its Batch Size. For more information, please click this link and view the section on Production Yields

Hide Production Before a Closed Inventory Count:  COGS-Well provides a "Close Inventory" feature in Inventory>Entry>Close Inventory. This feature makes an Inventory Count Entry uneditable. Checking this box will not display Production transactions before a Closed Inventory Count on the Enter Production transaction displays. Please click this link for more information on Close Inventory.   

Accounting Tab:

The Accounting Tab will always display on the company settings options. COGS-Well support normally sets up your accounting system settings for you.  We recommend that unless you are very knowledgeable about how these settings work, you contact COGS-Well support for assistance in making any changes.

Please note that the selection of any export will enable an Accounting option to appear in the COGS-Well Main Menu navigation options. If you select the Accounting Tab in Company Settings, a display like the one below will appear:  

Accounting System Type: Use the drop-down to select from the Accounting Systems that COGS-Well has interfaces for. 

GL Account Code Export Format:  This field is configured by COGS-Well support and cannot be modified. 

Accounting System Online Site Map Type: It is best to let COGS-Well Support configure this field. 

Enable Receipts Export: A checkmark will indicate that you are exporting Receipts (invoices) to your Accounts Payable system.  There is a sub-option to require Receipts to be approved before they can be exported.  Please click this link if you would like more information on the Approve Receiving feature.  

Enable Inventory Adjustments Export: A checkmark will indicate that you want to export ending inventory valuation adjustments to your General Ledger.  There is a sub-option if you prefer to utilize reversing entries as your preferred accounting method. Adjusting entries.  

Enable Transfers Export: A checkmark will indicate that you want to export Transfer adjustments to your General Ledger.  There is a sub-option to include details on the Items that were transferred in the export. 

Enable Production Exports: If you are using the Production feature, adding a checkmark to this box indicates that you want to export adjustments for production to your General Ledger.

Save or Exit:  

Select save to save any additions or changes. Select exit to exit the function.

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