Waste - FAQs


Waste enables you to record, report, and track the quantity of Inventory and/or Recipe items (including Production and Sales Item recipes) that you have "known" waste for.  Examples of known waste are spoilage, accidents, overproduction, etc. There is an option to configure and require entry for "Waste Reasons". 

Things to Know:

Waste Item: An item that is tracked for waste is also referred to as a "Waste Item" in COGS-Well.

Company Settings: Waste features must be enabled in Company Settings (Company>Settings>Company Settings). 

Waste Entry: When Waste Counts are entered via the Waste Entry feature in Recipes & Sales, theoretical usage and inventory on hand are adjusted to include Waste Counts. For more information on Waste Counts please click this link: Waste Entry.

Waste Reasons: Waste Reasons can be required if they are enabled in your Company Settings. Waste Reasons will require a user to include a reason for each item entered in the Waste Entry feature. Waste Reasons will also show up on the Wate Report

Waste Tracking Worksheet: Waste Counts can be entered by selecting each Item you have a waste count for or you can set up Waste Item Groups that contain Items you commonly waste.  There is a Waste Worksheet for recording Waste for the Items assigned to Waste Groups (Recipes & Sales>Worksheets>Waste Worksheet). 

Waste Groups: Waste Groups are set up via Recipes & Sales>Setup>Waste Groups.  Once a group or groups are set up, you can assign the items you want to track waste for a Waste Group. This feature is not required, but it is handy if you have a group or groups of items that you want to enter waste for. 

Waste Report: There is a Waste Report in the Recipes & Sales Reports function (Recipes & Sales>Reports>Waste Report). 

Other Reports: Waste is also reported on the Inventory Usage Variance report.  

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