Waste Report


The Waste Report lists all recorded Waste for the desired date range.

Things to know!

  • This report will only be accessible and visible to users who are given access to this report function. 
  • The Waste Report will list all recorded Waste for Items in a selected date range. 
  • Waste for Inventory and Recipe Items can be entered. 
  • An Item's Waste cost is based on its current recipe.
  • Please click this link for FAQs about Waste
  • For more information on recording Waste, please see the help for Entering Waste Counts:
  • There is an option to require "Waste Reasons" for items that are wasted. 

Waste Report Parameters:

To run a Waste Report, navigate to Recipes & Sales>Reports>Waste Report. Upon selection, a report parameters screen like the one below will display:

Site: This filter only displays if you are logged into your company (versus a specific Site).  The drop-down enables a search and selection of your desired Site. 

Begin Date: From the drop-down calendar, select a starting date range. 

End Date: From the drop-down calendar, select an ending date range. 

Detail or Summary: Detail will include all items. The Summary will only include Category and Department totals.

Run Report: Once you have selected your report parameters, click the Run Report button to list the report.

Waste Report - Waste Reasons Not Required:

Selecting to Run the Waste Report will display a report similar to the one below:

Report Options: For a description of the toolbar provided at the top of the report, please see "Report Options" for help. Report Options link.

Waste Report - Waste Reasons Are Required:

Selecting to Run the Waste Report when Waste Reasons are required will display a report similar to below:

Report Options: For a description of the toolbar provided at the top of the report, please see "Report Options" for help. Report Options link.

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