Waste Reasons


Waste Reasons are used to assign a reason for the waste of each item that is entered as waste via the Waste Entry feature. Waste Reasons will be included in the Waste Report. The use of Waste Reasons is optional and this feature only appears on your Menu if both Waste and Require Waste Reasons are enabled in your Company Settings.   

Things to know!

  • This feature will only be accessible and visible to users who are given access to it.
  • The use of Waste Reasons is optional.
  • Waste Reasons only appear on your Menu if both Waste and Require Waste Reasons are enabled in your Company Settings.  
  • If Waste Reasons are enabled, they will be required when waste is entered via the Waste Entry feature. 
  • Waste Reasons will be included in the Waste Report

Add or Edit Waste Groups:

To add, review, edit, or delete Waste Groups, navigate to Recipe & Sales>Setup>Waste Reasons.  Upon selection, a "Find Grid" similar to the one below will display a listing of all of your Groups:

In the above display, we are viewing three Waste Reasons that have already been set up. To add a new Waste Reason, select the "+" button. To view or edit an existing Reason, click the "Edit" button in the row of the Waste Reason name you wish to edit. To delete a Group, click the "Delete" button in the row of the Group Name that you wish to delete.

If you select to add or edit a Waste Reason then a new row will be added to the top of the grid and you can type a description for a new Waste Reason (an example is below):

Save: Click on the Save button on the lower left of the display to save a new or changed Waste Reason. 

Waste Entry: When a User uses the Waste Entry when waste reasons are required, they will be required to enter a Waste Reason for each item. An example of the Waste Entry display is shown below:

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