Company Settings - Recipes Options
Overview - Recipes Tab:
The Recipes Tab in Company Settings includes the options that can be enabled or disabled for Recipes. There are several different options you can use with recipes. An example of the Recipes Tab in Company Settings is shown below:
Recipes Tab - Recipe Settings:
Hide Recipe Cost from Recipe Find Screen: When you select the Recipe Item Setup feature, it loads a Recipe Item Find Screen that displays a "grid" with all of your Recipe Items in rows with item attributes in columns.
One of the columns on this grid is for the recipe item cost. If you have created a lot of recipe items with ingredients, then the grid will take a longer time to display because it is recalculating the cost of the ingredients for each recipe item. If you check the box to hide this column, the grid will load more quickly. The default setting is not enabled.
Enable Recipe Versioning: Check this box if you want to keep track of older versions of your recipes. For example, suppose your original chicken salad recipe has 4 ounces of Chicken and no grapes, and you now want to change it to 5 ounces of Chicken with grapes. In this case, versioning allows you to modify your original recipe to the new version and save the old version as well.
Also, if you run theoretical cost or usage reports over a date range that includes a prior version of a recipe, the calculations will reflect the prior version. For more information on recipe versioning, please click this FAQ article for Recipe Versions.
Enable Grams in Recipes: Enable this feature only if you plan to build your recipes using grams as the recipe unit for every ingredient that uses Weight as its Primary Measure Class. Grams will also become the default recipe unit for every ingredient that has weight as its Primary Measure Class.
If you only sometimes enter the quantity used in a recipe in grams, then do not enable grams here. Instead, selecting grams as a recipe unit is more efficient when you configure those ingredients. Please click this link for more information on Recipe Information Configuration.
Enable Yields in Recipes: If an item you use as an ingredient has less than 100% yield, then by enabling this feature you can enter the actual yield for items. Doing this will cause the theoretical cost and usage reporting for this item to adjust for the yield. An example of an item with less than 100% yield is a head of lettuce.
If a head of lettuce weighs 16 ounces when you take it out of the case, but only weighs 12 ounces after you take off the outer leaves and take out the core, then lettuce has a yield of 75% (12 divided by 16). For a more detailed discussion of yields, please click this link: What are yields?
Enable Production Features: COGS-Well allows you to enter production (how much was prepared) for Recipe Items. For example, If you prepared 5 gallons of blue cheese dressing, and if you flag blue cheese dressing as a recipe that you want to track production for, then via production you can enter the 5 gallons you produced.
As a “production item”, blue cheese dressing will be treated as an inventory item, you can use it in other recipes, and its inventory usage will be reported on blue cheese dressing (versus its ingredients). For more information on Production, please click this link to Production Items - FAQs.
Enable Suggested Recipe Prep: COGS-Well can suggest the quantity to prepare for recipe items that are prepared in advance (before they are sold or used in another recipe item that is sold). COGS-Well refers to these items as "Prepared Recipe Items" or "Prep Items". For more information please click this link to Suggested Prep Features - FAQs.
Enable Preparation Instructions: Prep instructions, steps, pictures, and equipment can be entered for a Recipe Item. If you do not plan to use Prep Instructions we recommend you disable this feature as it adds features to the Sidebar and fields to the recipe item setup display. If you would like more information please click this link to Prep Instructions - FAQs.
Enable Recipe Labor Cost Feature: COGS-Well has an optional feature to include a labor cost for Recipe Items. This feature will enable you to enter labor cost, in addition to the ingredients, for a recipe item (often referred to as the "Prime Cost" for an item). For more information please click this link to Add Labor Cost to Recipes - FAQs.
Default Recipe Cost Type for Recipe Reporting: This field only displays if you enable the Labor Cost feature. This is a default for the reports that include recipe costs, but there is an override when you run these reports to change this default. There are three options (see below):
COGS Only: The COGS-only default will exclude labor costs from the reports that utilize recipe costs. For example, if the Theoretical Cost of Sales report is run for COGS only then the recipe cost of the menu items in the report will only include the food or beverage costs.
Labor Cost Only: The Labor Cost Only default will exclude food and beverages from the reports that utilize recipe costs. For example, if the Theoretical Cost of Sales report is run for Labor only then the recipe cost of the menu items in the report will only include the labor costs.
Prime Cost (both): The Prime Cost default will include food/ beverage and labor costs in the reports that utilize recipe costs. For example, if the Theoretical Cost of Sales report is run for Prime Cost then all food, beverage, and labor costs for the menu items in the report will be included.
Save or Exit:
Select save to save any additions or changes. Select exit to exit the function.