Company Settings - Transfers Options
Transfer Options - Overview:
The Transfer feature is for customers with multiple Sites (restaurants or a commissary) that transfer items (Inventory or Recipe Items) between their Sites. The transfers tab will only display if the transfer feature is enabled on the General Tab of Company Settings.
The transfer feature includes options for entering transfer requests and approving transfers. For more information on transfer options, please click this link to the FAQ article on Transfers. The Transfers Tab in Company Settings is shown below:
Transfers Tab - Transfer Settings:
Beginning Transfer Number: If you want to use Order numbers different than the defaults, enter a starting order number for your transfers.
Ending Transfer Number: You can optionally put a cap on how high transfer numbers can go.
Next Transfer Number: COGS-Well will generate transfer numbers in increments of 1 unless you select the next order number with a different increment. For example, if your starting number is 100 and you want an increment of 5, then enter 105 as the next transfer number.
Enable Transfers Across Business Units: If you enabled Business Units, this field will display. If you plan to transfer from Sites in one Business Unit to another, then check this box.
Enable Unrequested Fulfillments: If this option is not enabled then a user cannot Fulfill a Transfer unless a Transfer Request exists. The reason this option exists is in an emergency, a manager at one restaurant location may call a manager at another site to request a few items they need without formally submitting a transfer request.
If the manager at the site receiving the call has the item(s), that manager may ask his team to make the transfer right away. This option enables the manager who fulfilled the transfer to enter it into COGS-Well without receiving the request through COGS-Well.
Allow Requesting Site to Fulfill Requests: Checking this box will allow the Site that makes a transfer request to also fulfill that request. An example of this situation is when a site enters a request and it gets fulfilled, but the site that fulfills it does not have the time or resources to enter the fulfillment.
Default Fulfillment Quantity to Requested Quantity: The default for this option is a checkmark. If the box is checked then the fulfillment quantity column on the fulfillment entry display will default to the requested quantity. This default amount can be edited and it exists for convenience. If you do not want this to occur then you can uncheck this setting.
Require Transfer Fulfillment Request: The default when the Save button is clicked when a Transfer Request is entered is to send the request to the Site the request is being made to. However, if you check this box then the user that is entering a Transfer Request can save the request and send it later.
If you think it is possible that a user entering a Transfer Request could be interrupted while entering a request and will want to save the request and complete it later, then check this box.
Email Fulfillment Request to From Site: Checking this box will result in a transfer request being emailed to the From Site when it is saved by the To Site.
Enable Transfer Approval: If you enable transfers then you will see the option to Enable Transfer Approval. Transfer approval adds a requirement to the transfer request function for the Site that made the transfer request to approve that the fulfillment record was accurate.
Require Inventory Item Group: Items that you transfer can be assigned to an Inventory Item Group. Check this box if you want to require a User to select an Inventory Group when they print the transfer worksheet and enter a transfer request or fulfillment.
Default Inventory Group: Use the drop-down to select a default Inventory Group for a User entering a transfer. The User can change the Group.
Require Transfer Template: Items that you transfer can be assigned to a Transfer Template. Check this box if you want to require a User to select a Transfer Template when they print the transfer worksheet and enter a transfer request or fulfillment.
Default Transfer Template: Use the drop-down to select a default Transfer Template for a User entering a transfer. The User can change the template.
Hide Transfers Before a Closed Inventory Count: COGS-Well provides a "Close Inventory" feature. This feature makes an Inventory Count Entry uneditable. Checking this box will not display Transfer transactions before a Closed Inventory Count on the Enter Transfers transaction displays. Please click this link for more information on Close Inventory.
Commissary Balancing Account: If you have enabled Commissary features then this account is used for any rounding errors in transfer costs from the commissary.
Enable Department Transfers: The Department Transfer features can be used to adjust inventory item usage and costs when an item is purchased/expense to one Department (such as Food) but is then transferred to a different Department (such as the bar). Department Transfers - FAQs.
Transfer Tab - Entry Display Options:
The Entry Display options for the Transfers Tab in Company Settings are on the right side of the display as shown in the example below:
Hide Pack Cost: Check this box if you do not want an Item's Pack Cost to display on the Transfer Worksheet or Transfer Entry features.
Hide Pack Size and Quantity: Check this box if you do not want an Item's Pack Size or a Pack Size Quantity to display on the Transfer Worksheet or Transfer Entry features (the default is to show both Packs and Count Units). If you select to hide the Pack Size and Pack Quantity, then just the Count Unit Size and Quantity will be utilized.
Hide Count Unit Size and Quantity: Check this box if you do not want an Item's Count Unit Size or a Count Unit Quantity to display on the Transfer Worksheet or Transfer Entry features (the default is to show both Packs and Count Units). If you select to hide the Count Unit Size and Quantity, then just the Pack Size and Quantity will be utilized.
Hide Total Amount: Check this box if you do not want the Entry features to display the Total Amount (Total Cost) for a transferred item.
Hide Comments: Check this box if you do not want the Entry features to display the Comments for a transferred item.
Save or Exit:
Select save to save any additions or changes. Select exit to exit the function.