User Menu Setup


User Menus enable you to further define what features a user will see and have access to in COGS-Well after they log into the system. It will also let you define the order of those features and you can utilize your own name for a group of Menu features. Multiple users can be assigned the same user menu. 

Things to know!

  • The User Menu feature will only be available for users that have access to the User Menu function (typically only an Administrator). 
  • User Menus allow you to decide what features to include in the menu and in what order. You can also create your own menu groups for a set of menu features (an example is an "End of Day" menu). 
  • It makes sense to build a User Menu when you have multiple Users that you want to grant the same menu access to. An example is a restaurant manager. If you create a “Manager” user menu, then each time you add a new manager, you can assign them the "manager" user menu.   
  • It also makes sense to build a user menu when you want to simplify the main menu navigation for a user that may only be accessing a small set of features in the software. An example could be a prep person that is only looking at recipes and entering production. 
  • Setting up User Menus is not a requirement.  It is a feature designed to make it easier/faster to define what functions a new User is provided access to. Or, to significantly simplify the main menu navigation options.
  • Once you have set up User Menus, they are available to be assigned to Users via the add or edit Users function which is accessed via Company>Setup>Users.
  • There are other ways to manage the view and level of access that a User is given to the system.  In the Users feature, if you don't flag a user as an Administrator then they will not have access to the Company menu, Accounting menu, and most Tool menu features. There is also a feature in Company>Maintenance>Exclude Features from Sites that will enable you to eliminate functions from the menus when you are logged into any site.   
  • If you have questions or are uncertain about whether to create user menus, please contact COGS-Well support. User menus are a powerful concept, but they can also be complicated to set up.   

Add or Edit User Menus:

Navigate to Company>Setup>User Menus to add or edit a User Menu. Upon selection, a screen similar to the one below will appear: 

If you have previously defined User Menus, then they will be listed on the display.  To add a new User Menu, click the "+" button.  To edit an existing User Menu, click the "Edit" option in the row of the User Menu name you wish to edit. To Clone a User Menu (this feature copies an existing User Menu and enables you to modify it versus starting from scratch), then select the "Clone" option. 

The Name column lists all the User Menus that have been defined. The Active column shows you the Active status (checkmark = active, blank = inactive). The Last Updated column shows the last date the User Menu was added or modified. 

If you select to add or edit a User Menu, a screen like below will display (the fields will be blank for a new User Menu). 

General Column:

Menu Name: Enter or edit the name you want for the User Menu.

Show Sales on Dashboard: Every user will see the Dashboard when they log in or select the Dashboard tab. The standard dashboard configuration includes sales metrics and displays.  If you do not wish a User assigned this User Menu to see sales metrics on their dashboard then eliminate the checkmark. 

Active: The purpose of this field is to allow you to make an active User Menu inactive by deleting the checkmark. An inactive Menu can be made active again.

Menu Selections Column:

Above we are looking at a User Menu that has already been set up for a Restaurant Manager. Specific features available on the Main Menu have been selected for the Restaurant Manager Menu.  When a restaurant manager logs into COGS-Well, their User Menu will look like below if they click on the hamburger menu: 

The menu is utilizing what is referred to as a "Hamburger Menu" as shown on the top left of the display. The menu became a hamburger because the 7 features that are included in this User Menu do not have room to display across (left to right) the main menu bar. 

If the number of features in the Restaurant Manager user menu is reduced, thus creating room for the functions to display across the main menu bar, then the display will look like below:

Menu Selections - Tools:

Let's go back to the edit the Restaurant Manager User Menu display and review how to create or manage the features in a User Menu. Below is the Restaurant Manager User Menu display:

There are a series of buttons across the top right of the menu selections area.  Below is a table that explains what each button does. You can also hover your mouse over each graphic to see a description of what each button does.

Add a Group of Menu Features:  This feature enables you to build groups of functions that are nested under your own group description. For example, you could add a group and give it a description of "Daily Functions" and you could then put features for entering orders, enter receipts, and entering transfers under this group.  

You could add a second group to the menu and give it a description of "End of Period Functions" and include functions for count worksheet, enter counts, and extension report.  Below is an example of adding these two menu groups to the manager functions:

Add a Menu Group: To add the above groups, we selected the right carrot to add a menu group. A group titled "New Menu Group" appeared at the bottom of the menu and we typed in the names we wanted for each new group (Daily Functions and End of Period Functions).   

Move a Feature: Next, we used the up and down arrow buttons to move the features underneath the Menu Groups that we wanted them to reside in. We highlighted the function we wanted to move and then used the desired direction button to move it up or down. 

Promote/Demote a Feature: Next, we highlighted the feature after it was under the menu group we desired, and then used the right arrow button (far right of the toolbar) to demote the feature.  This caused the feature that is demoted to indent and the Menu Group adds a drop-down arrow showing it has "sub-features" underneath it. If we had accidentally demoted a function, we could have promoted it back by highlighting it and then using the left arrow button to promote it. 

Add a New Feature: If we wanted to add a new feature to a menu group, then we could highlight the group and then select the "+" button to add a new function.  A list of features comes up and we can search and select the feature we want to add. 

Delete a Feature: If we wanted to delete a feature from a menu group, then we could highlight the feature and select the "X" button to delete it.  

Below is an example of what the main menu now looks like to a user that has the Restaurant Manager User Menu. The two menu groups are displayed across the main menu.  The features within each group show as drop-down options when you click on the main menu group.  

User Menu Summary:

User Menus take time to create, but they can greatly manage and simplify the navigation options for your end-users.  In this example, a Manager will only see the features you want them to see.  They will not be confused by, nor will they need to learn about, any other features or reports other than what they need.  

Save, Delete and Exit

At the bottom of the screen are the Save, Delete, and Exit buttons.

Save - Saves the entry or entries without exiting.

Delete - Deletes the User Menu. You will be asked, "are you sure"?

Exit -  Exits without saving any new entries or edits.

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