Vendor EDI Integration - FAQs


Vendor EDI (Electronic Data Interchange) integration is utilized to import vendor invoices into COGS-Well. The vendor exports their invoice information to COGS-Well's FTP site and COGS-Well then imports the information into the Receiving Feature. Once invoices are in Receiving, they can be reviewed, reported, and optionally exported to accounts payable.

EDI integration can be used in addition to invoice scanning or as an alternative to scanning (if you are not using Invoice+ or Plate IQ). Vendors include the inventory line item detail in their EDI export and the quality is usually excellent. One downside, however, is that they don't include an invoice image while Plate IQ and Invoice+ do include an image.

Typically, only national or large regional vendors have EDI capability. If you are uncertain about a vendor's capability then the best resource is usually your vendor's sales representative. Some vendors can also use EDI to import a purchase order from COGS-Well (please see the chart below).

Alternative to EDI:

If you are already using, or wish to start using, COGS-Well's Invoice+ invoice scanning software, then you can ask vendors to send invoices in PDF format and then upload them to your Invoice+ upload email address. This is a great solution if you want to receive a copy of the invoice image and/or if you are working with a vendor that does not offer EDI.

The Vendor EDI Integration Process:

The vendor integration process is different for every vendor. Some require you to sign an approval form and some don't. Some require you to submit the request and some require COGS-Well to submit the request.

A new request typically goes to a systems or support group (either through your rep or COGS-Well) and then waits in a queue to be processed. The vendor then needs to set up EDI for your account, test it, and set up an export to our FTP site.

Some vendors are more responsive than others, but all of them seem to take at least 2 weeks to set up your EDI and start exporting to our FTP Site and 4 weeks is not unusual. It is also not uncommon for a vendor to require multiple inquiries/reminders or a push from you directly.

Delays in Vendor EDI Process:

Unfortunately, delays in the EDI setup process are fairly common and there is nothing COGS-Well can do to expedite a vendor's EDI setup once the request has been submitted. In our experience, the priority a vendor gives to a new project is somewhat dependent on how busy they are and how big the customer is.

If we make the EDI request to a vendor, we make it immediately and we will send you a notification that we made the request. If we do not receive a confirmation from the Vendor or start receiving invoices within 10 days, we will send a reminder inquiry to the vendor. If we do not receive a response or invoices after another 10 days, we will notify you and ask for your assistance.

We have noticed the responsiveness of many vendors to a new EDI request can be impacted by how much pressure you or your sales rep add to the equation. If you are anxious for an EDI request to be prioritized then please be sure to let your sales representative know and we suggest that you follow up with them if they don't follow up with you.

COGS-Well Vendor EDI Capability and Process Chart:

Below is a list of the Vendors with whom COGS-Well has developed EDI integrations. If you do not see a vendor you are looking for and you have confirmed that the vendor has EDI capability, then please get in touch with us at

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