Unit of Measure (UOM) Conversion Table - FAQs


To make the configuration of new Recipe Units for added Measure Classes easy, COGS-Well provides a table of Weight-to-Volume conversions for common ingredients. The table also includes Count conversions for ingredients likely to be used or purchased by Count (for example = Onions or Limes).

The Unit of Measure (UOM) Conversion table can be used to automatically configure Recipe Units for added Measure Classes for ingredients, or when Inventory Items assigned to Combined Items require added Measure Class configurations.

For example, if the recipe unit for onions is configured for weight because you buy them by weight and you want to add recipe units for Volume and Count, just select onions from the table. Then you can also use onions by Cup or Each in your recipe items.

The UOM Conversion Table includes weight, volume, and count conversions for common ingredients. It has been compiled using online resources such as Google Search and online volume-to-weight conversion charts such as FareShare. These resources are not always consistent and they use averages so we cannot take responsibility for their accuracy.

Using the UOM Conversion Table for Ingredients:

The UOM Table can be accessed when you want to add a Recipe Unit for a new Measure Class to an ingredient. In the below example, we want to add Volume and Count Recipe Units for Onions so we can use them by Cup and Each in recipes:

In the example below, we clicked on the UOM Conversions button to access the UOM Conversion Table and then searched the table for Onions. The table contains conversions for Onions (large) and Onions (Medium). The table shows that 1 cup of onions (medium) weighs 5.3 Wz and it takes .815 of one Onion (medium) to create a cup (a medium onion weighs 6.5 Wz on average):

Our Red Onions are medium size so we will either highlight the Onion (medium) and click the Apply Conversions button, or we can double-click Onions (medium). Applying the conversion will automatically configure the Red Onions for the two Measure Classes that have not been configured, including the Recipe Unit Factors, as shown in the example below:

Please use this link if you would like even more information about Measure Class & Recipe Unit Configuration for ingredients.

Using the UOM Conversion Table - Assigned Item Configurations:

Combined Items may require new configurations for an assigned Inventory Item. In the example below, the Onion Red Large inventory item has a configuration required for the Weight Measure Class. This is because this item is only configured for the Count Measure Class and the Combined Item Red Onions is only configured for the Count Measure Class.

To configure the Onion Red Large Inventory Item for the Weight Measure Class, click the edit button to the right of the item. This will take us to a "Configure Item" display as shown below. The configuration display below tells us that Onions Red Large requires a Recipe Unit configuration for Weight:

In the example below, we clicked on the UOM Conversions button in the configuration display to access the UOM Conversion Table and then searched the table for Onions. This is the same table we use for adding Recipe Units to an ingredient.

Our Red Onions are large (10 Wz on average) so we will either highlight the Onion (large) and click the Apply Conversions button, or we can double-click Onions (large). Applying the conversion will automatically configure Recipe Units for Count and Volume because the table has both configurations for Onions (see an example below):

Please use this link if you would like even more information about Assigned Item Configurations.


One of COGS-Well's missions is to make inventory control and recipe management easier. Discovering conversions and calculating conversion factors manually is very time-consuming and subject to error.

To our knowledge, we are the only restaurant inventory control system provider to offer a UOM Conversion Table that provides an automated solution for configuring Recipe Units for an added Measure Class.

When our unique Standard Packaging Definitions, Recipe Unit Library, and Receiving Audit Service are combined with our new UOM Conversion Table, inventory control, recipe management, and food and beverage cost analysis become even easier!

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