

The Dashboard displays as the landing page when you first log in to COGS-Well.  Regardless of where you navigate in COGS-Well, the Dashboard remains open and can be accessed by clicking on the Dashboard tab on the top left of the open feature bar.

The purpose of the Dashboard is to alert you of required actions and inform you about performance metrics. This article will focus on the alert and performance grids displayed on the dashboard.  The main feature menus above the dashboard are reviewed in an article on System Navigation.

Things to Know:

  • This article will focus on the alert and performance grids displayed on the dashboard. 
  • The feature menus above the dashboard are reviewed in an article on System Navigation. There is also a System Navigation training video.
  • Some of the data and tools that display on the dashboard for a User are managed by a System Administrator when they Set Up a User.
  • The Dashboard grids will include values for all of your Sites when you are logged into your company. The grid values will be specific to a Site when you are logged into a Site.  
  • Sales totals are calculated based on your sales mix (menu item price times quantities sold).  
  • New Vendors, Inventory Items, or Sales items will generate alerts for "Requiring Validation". Unless your company requests otherwise, the COGS-Well audit team will do all Required Validation for you.
  • The Validation alerts can be disabled for any User via the User Setup feature
  • The Dashboard can be accessed from anywhere in the COGS-Well system by clicking on the blue "Dashboard" tab at the top left of the Open Feature Bar.  

Dashboard Grids - Alerts:

The Alerts Grid is displayed at the top left of the Dashboard. Alerts will let you know of activities that may need attention. An example of the Alerts Grid is shown in the example below:

Alerts Grid: The Alerts grid provides a column for the alert description, the value (typically the number of alerts), and a jump button (the > icon). The jump button will take you directly to the feature or report associated with the alert if you click on it.

Transfers: If you are using transfers, alerts are generated for transfers requiring fulfillment, transfer requests that have been fulfilled, and fulfillments that require approval. In the above example, there is 1 transfer that requires fulfillment.

Cost Alerts: Cost Alerts are generated when the cost of an Inventory Item received on a new invoice exceeds a trigger cost percentage change (higher or lower). The default trigger in COGS-Well is 3 percent. In the above example, there are 38 Cost Alerts.

Validation: Alerts are also generated when new inventory items, vendors, or GL Accounts are imported on an invoice, or when new sales items are imported from your POS. New items require Validation and the COGS-Well Audit team performs the Validation Service for you. In the above example, 2 new inventory items require validation.

Dashboard Grids - 30 Day Activity:

The 30-Day Activity Grid displays transaction activity that has occurred over the last 30 days. An example is shown below:

New Items, inventory counts, orders, transfers, invoices, returns, and validation activity are included in the 30-Day Activity Grid. The Value Column shows the number of transactions over the last 30 days. The jump button will take you directly to the feature or report associated with the transaction if you click on it.

Dashboard Grids - 7-Day Sales By Site:

The 7-Day Sales By Site Grid only displays when you are logged into your Company (versus a Site). It shows total sales for the 7 prior days for each Site that is importing sales from your POS. In the below example, we are importing sales for three Sites. The amounts shown are based on the sales mix (not on adjusted financial totals from your POS). An example of this grid is shown below:

Dashboard Grids - Items Without Storage Locations:

The Items Without Storage Location Assignments only will display in place of the 7-Day Sales by Site Grid, when you are logged into a Site (versus your Company): It lists the Inventory Items that have not yet been assigned to a Storage Location. The jump button goes to the Assign Items to Storage Locations feature. An example of this grid is shown below:

Dashboard Grids - 7-Day Sales By Department:

If you page down on the Dashboard, the 7-Day Sales by Department grid will be displayed on the left side of the Dashboard. The dollar amounts for each Sales Department are based on your sales mix. The Department names have been imported from your POS. An example is shown below:

In the above example, we are hovering our mouse over the green department which is the Food Sales Department and it represents 88% of the total sales. Other Departments are denoted by other colors in the chart and will display their name and percentage when you hover over them.

Dashboard Grids - 7-Day Sales By Date:

The 7-Day Sales by Date Grid will be displayed to the right of the 7-Day Sales by Department Grid. The dollar amounts for each Sales Department are based on your sales mix. The Department names have been imported from your POS. An example is shown below:

In the above example, we are hovering our mouse over the green Food Sales Department which shows us that the Food Sales Department represents $24,913.66 of the total sales for 11/25/23.

Dashboard Grids - 7-Day Theo COGS:

If you page down twice on the Dashboard, the 7-Day Theoretical Cost of Goods Sold Grid will be displayed on the left side of the Dashboard. The dollar amounts for each Sales Category are based on your sales mix. An example is shown below:

All values on the above chart are for Inventory Categories. In the example above, we have hovered over the green area of the chart which is the Produce Inventory Category. Please click this link for more information on Theoretical Cost Calculations.

Dashboard Grids - 7-Day Sales By Category:

The 7-Day Sales by Category Grid will be displayed to the right of the 7-Day Theo COGS Grid. The dollar amounts for each Sales Category are based on your sales mix. The Sales Category names have been imported from your POS. An example is shown below:

Dashboard Grids - Sales Items Theo Cost:

If you page down to the bottom of the Dashboard, the Sales Items Theoretical Cost Grid will be displayed on the left side of the Dashboard. An example is shown below:

The Sales Item Theo Cost Grid above defaults to rank your Sales Items from the highest to the lowest theoretical cost percentage. The theoretical cost percentage for a Sales Item is the recipe cost (the cost of the ingredients) divided by the retail sales price. The cost calculation is an average over the last 30 days.

If you are trying to find an item, you can click on the Sales Item Name column header to sort the items alphabetically (A-Z or Z-A). You can change the sales item ranking from lowest to highest by clicking on the column header name for Theo Cost %.

Dashboard Grids - Sales Items Profit:

The Sales Items Profit Grid will be displayed to the right of the Sales Items Theo Cost Grid. An example is shown below:

The Sales Item Profit Grid above ranks your Sales Items from the highest to the lowest profit. The profit for a Sales Item is the retail price minus the recipe cost (the cost of the ingredients). The dollar profit calculation is an average over the last 30 days.

You can change the sales items' ranking from lowest to highest by clicking on the column header name for Profit. You can also make the items list alphabetically from A-Z or Z-A by clicking on the Sales Item column header name.

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