Request Transfer Entry


The Request Transfer feature provides a Site (typically a restaurant) a way to request inventory or recipe items from another Site (typically another restaurant or a commissary).

When a transfer request is submitted by a Site (the "From" Site), the Site receiving the request (the To Site) will receive an alert and can then Fulfill the transfer request.

COGS-Well will adjust inventory usage and cost for each Site to reflect transfer activity. Transfer adjustments for accounting are reported in the Transfer Journal and can be exported to the General Ledger in your accounting system.

Things to know!

  • The Request Transfer feature requires that Transfers be enabled in your Company Settings. 
  • This feature is only available when you are logged into a Site (versus at the Company level).
  • Inventory Items, Combined Items, and Recipe Items can be transferred (see below)
  • Only Combined and Recipe Items that are flagged to be counted can be transferred.
  • In COGS-Well, the Site making a transfer request is referred to as the "To" Site.
  • In COGS-Well, the Site fulfilling a transfer request is referred to as the "From" Site.
  • Transfers will deplete inventory quantity and cost from the Site fulfilling (the "From" Site) and increase it for the Site receiving the transfer (the "To" Site). 

Special Transfer Options:

Request Transfer Entry 

This article is for making transfer requests without using suggested quantities. If you would like to use suggested quantities, then this article on Request Transfers - Using Suggested Quantities will explain the added criteria and data entry grid columns.

To add, review, edit, or delete a Transfer Request, navigate to Inventory>Entry>Request Transfer. Upon selection, a Transfer Request "Transaction Grid" similar to the one below will display a listing of any requested, but not Fulfilled Transfers Requests. 

In the example above we can see that the Site we are logged into (which is Jake's Cafe & Catering) has an open request to Jake's Cafe - Alameda that was made on 5/6/2020.  The request can still be edited or deleted because it has not yet been fulfilled by Jake's Cafe - Alameda.  Once a transfer request has been fulfilled, it will no longer display in this feature.   

Date Requested: This is the date that the Transfer Request is being requested.  (this displays if transfer requests are utilized). 

From Site: This lists the Site that the Transfer Request was made to. You can type a Site Name under the column header to filter for that Site.

Created: This is the date and time that the transfer request was entered and saved.  

Last Updated and Updated By Columns: These columns display when the count was last updated and saved and the User it was Updated By. These columns can be filtered to find specific information.

+ Add, Export, and Search Options:

  • The blue "+ Add" button is used to add a new Group (versus to view or edit an existing Group).
  • The "XLSX" button will export the row information on the grid to a spreadsheet.
  • The search option can be used to find any part of a word or date on the grid. Type in your search criteria to initiate the search. 

Special Column Tools:

  • Magnifying Glass Only Icon: The magnifying glass at the top of each column in the above grid has a search function that enables you to search within that field. If you hover your mouse over the magnifying class you will see options to use to refine your search.
  • Magnifying Glass and Calendar Icon: If a column has a magnifying glass and a calendar at the top of the column, the calendar can be used to select a date, and if you hover over the magnifying glass after you select a date, you will have options to refine the filter (such as equal to or greater than the selected date).
  • Grid Tools - FAQs: Please click this link for more information on Grid Tools - FAQs.

Edit/Delete: Click the button to the right of the Group that you wish to edit or delete.

Criteria Tab - New Transfer Request:

To add a new Transfer Request click the blue "Add" button and a screen like the one below will display:  

Transfer Number: COGS-Well will generate a transaction number for each transfer request that can be used for tracking and audit purposes.

Request For Date: Enter the date that you want to receive the transfer (click on the calendar search).

From Site: Enter the Site (use drop-down search or type to search) where you want the requested items to come from. 

Inventory Item Group: If you want to request transfers for a specific Inventory Item Group of items, enter the group here. If you do not select an inventory group then you will need to select each item you wish to request from the Entry Tab. 

Transfer Template: If you create Transfer Templates then you will have the option to select a Transfer Template using a drop-down on this display. Please click this link for more info on Transfer Templates.

Entry Tab - New Transfer Request:

Once you have completed your criteria, click on either the "Next" button or the "Entry" tab to enter your request for items. If you select an inventory group, you will see all items in the group displayed with a blank pack and count unit quantity. 

Inventory Group Selected: A meat group was selected as the inventory group in the example below:

This Icon on the top left of the item entry grid is called a column chooser.  The column chooser lets you select which columns to display (or not) on the entry grid. Click the icon to select or deselect columns. 

No Inventory Group Selected: If you did not select an inventory group then no items will display and you will see a screen similar to the one below:

To add an item to the transfer request, select the plus ("+") key on the top right of the screen. This will launch a search and select feature as shown below:

You can search for the item you wish to request. Inventory and Production Items can be selected.  In the below example, bacon and sausage inventory items have been selected for the transfer request. 

Each column in the above display has a search function that enables you to search within that field.  The Pack Cost displayed is the last receipt (Invoice) cost for that Item. 

You can enter transfer request quantities in Packs, in Count Units, or in combination (such as 5, 3 Lb Packs, and 2 added Pounds for the Jimmy Dean Sausage item above). Or, you could enter 17 Pounds.

Enter the items and quantities you wish to request. If you have any comments specific to the item you are requesting, you can enter those comments in the comment field and the site that receives the request will see them. 

Save, Save & Exit, Request Fulfillment, and Exit

The buttons at the bottom left of the Transfer Request Entry are Save, Save & Exit, Request Fulfillment & Exit, and Exit as shown below above. The button to request fulfillment is showing because this option was enabled in Company Settings on the Transfer option tab. If this option is not enabled, then the button will not show.

Once a transfer request is Saved (or requested if this option is enabled), the From Site will receive an alert on their dashboard that they have a transfer request requiring fulfillment (an example is shown below). 

The Transfer Request will remain visible at the To Site and can be edited until it has been fulfilled (an example is shown below):

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