Transfer Worksheet


The Transfer Worksheet is used to record inventory item transfers prior to entering them via the Enter Transfers feature. After a Transfer Worksheet is completed, the recorded transfer request can be entered into COGS-Well via the Enter Transfers feature (Inventory>Entry>Transfers).

Things to know!

  • This Worksheet will only be accessible and visible to users who are given access to this feature. 
  • Transfer features must be enabled in your Company Settings (Company>Company Settings) to be visible on the menus. 
  • This worksheet is utilized to record Transfers prior to entering Transfers. 
  • The Transfer Worksheet can be for either a "From Site" (where the transfer will come from), or a "To Site" (who the transfer is going to).    
  • The Transfer Worksheet can optionally list only the Inventory Items in a selected Inventory Item Group.
  • For more information on Transfers, please see click this link to Transfers - FAQs

Report Parameters

To run a Transfer Worksheet, navigate to Inventory>Worksheets>Transfer Worksheet.  Upon selection, a parameters screen like below will display:

Transfer Date: Select the date from the calendar drop-down for when the Inventory Transfer will occur.

From Site: Select the Site from the drop-down search that will be sending out the Transfer (coming from). 

To Site: Select the Site from the drop-down search that will be receiving the Transfer (going to). 

Inventory Item Group:  Select an Inventory Group to define the Items to include on the Transfer Worksheet. This is a required field for the Transfer Worksheet.

Run Report: Once you have selected your report parameters, click the Run Report button to list the report.

Transfer Worksheet

Selecting to Run the Transfer Worksheet Report will display a report similar to below: 

Transfer count quantities can be entered in Pack Size, Count Unit, or in a combination.

Report Options: For a description of the toolbar provided at the top of the report, please see "Report Options" help. Report Options link.

Re-display Report Parameters: After a worksheet has been run, the carrot ("^") at the upper right side of the report (next to the Close button) will re-display the report parameters. This option can be used in the event you want to change parameters and re-run the worksheet or report.

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