Transfers Entry - System Administrators


The Enter Transfer feature enables a System Administrator to view or enter transfer transactions that include both the "To Site" (the Site the transfer went to) and the "From Site" (the Site the transfer came from). 

This feature is only available to System Administrators and only when you are logged into your company (versus one of your sites).  

Things to know!

  • The Transfer Entry feature is only available to System Administrators, and only when logged in to their company (versus a site).
  • The Transfer Entry feature can be used to audit or edit transfer transactions that were entered by the sites.
  • The Transfer Entry feature can also be used to enter transfer transactions that include both the To and From Sites.
  • Transfer features are enabled in your Company Settings
  • There are separate transfer features for Site Users (typically managers). Please click these links for more information on Transfer Requests, Transfer Fulfillment, and Transfer Approval.    
  • Inventory, Combined, and Recipe Items that are flagged to be counted can be transferred. 
  • In COGS-Well, a "To" Site is the Site a transfer is going to. The "From" Site is the Site the transfer is coming from. 
  • If you create Inventory Groups for transferred items, or Transfer Templates, then you will have the option to select a template or a group when entering a transfer.


To add, review, edit, or delete Transfers, navigate to Inventory>Entry>Transfer. Upon selection, a transfer "Transaction Grid" similar to the one below will display a listing of all of the transfers in your database.

Please note that your transfer transaction grid may not have all the columns shown below based on whether you are logged into the company or a specific site and whether you use transfer requests and approvals or not: 

Transfer Transaction Display: A global search option is at the top of the display. Each column in the above display has a search function that enables you to search within that field. To add a new Transfer, select the "+" key. To view or edit an existing Transfer, click the "Edit" key in the row of the invoice receipt you wish to edit. To delete a Transfer click the "Delete" key in the row of the receipt that you wish to delete. 

# of Transactions that Display: If you are using the "Close Inventory" feature, and you select via your Company Settings not to hide Transfer transactions after an Inventory Count is Closed, then you will see and can view Transfer transactions prior to a Closed Count, but you cannot edit them. If you selected to hide the display of transactions prior to a Closed Inventory in your Company Settings, those transactions will not display.  Please see this link for more on Close Inventory.

Request Date: This is the date that the Transfer Request was made (this displays if transfer requests are utilized). 

Transfer Date Column: This is the date the transfer occurred. 

From Site: This lists the Site that the Transfer came from (out of). You can type a Site Name under the column header to filter for that Site.

To Site: This lists the Site that the Transfer went to. You can type a Site Name under the column header to filter for that Site.

Amount: This is the amount of the transfer cost. It only displays when you are logged into your company. 

Status: This is the status of a transfer (Requested, Fulfilled, Rejected, or Approved).  

Exported: This column only displays if you have enabled transfers to export to your accounting system. 

Last Updated and Updated By Columns: These columns display when the count was last updated and saved and the User it was Updated By. These columns can be filtered to find specific information.

+ Add, Export, and Search Options:

  • The blue "+ Add" button is used to add a new Group (versus to view or edit an existing Group).
  • The "XLSX" button will export the row information on the grid to a spreadsheet.
  • The search option can be used to find any part of a word or date on the grid. Type in your search criteria to initiate the search. 

Special Column Tools:

  • Magnifying Glass Only Icon: The magnifying glass at the top of each column in the above grid has a search function that enables you to search within that field. If you hover your mouse over the magnifying class you will see options to use to refine your search.
  • Magnifying Glass and Calendar Icon: If a column has a magnifying glass and a calendar at the top of the column, the calendar can be used to select a date, and if you hover over the magnifying glass after you select a date, you will have options to refine the filter (such as equal to or greater than the selected date).
  • Grid Tools - FAQs: Please click this link for more information on Grid Tools - FAQs.

Edit/Delete: Click the button to the right of the Group that you wish to edit or delete.

New Transfer:

To add a new Transfer click the blue "Add" button and a screen like the one below will display:  

Criteria Tab:

Transfer Number: COGS-Well will generate a transaction number for each transfer request that can be used for tracking and audit purposes.

Transfer Date: Enter the date (use calendar search) that the Transfer was made.

From Site: Use the drop-down to find and select the site that the transfer came from (the transfer went out of this site).

To Site: Use the drop-down to find and select the site that the transfer went to (the transfer will be received by this site).

Inventory Item Group: If you want to enter transfers for a specific Inventory Item Group of items, use the drop-down to select a group and the items in that group will display on the Entry screen. If you do not select a group, you can search and add items from the Entry tab screen. 

Transfer Template: If you create Transfer Templates then you will have the option to select a Transfer Template using a drop-down on this display. Please click this link for more info on Transfer Templates.

Next or Close: The next button will advance you to the Entry tab. The close button will close this transaction. 

Entry Tab:

Once you have reviewed or entered your Criteria, to add or review the Inventory Items for this transfer, click on the "Next" button or the "Entry" tab and if you have selected an inventory group then a screen similar to the below will display:

If you selected an inventory group then the items in the group will be displayed. A global search option for an Inventory Item is at the top of the display. Each column in the above display has a search function that enables you to search within that field.

The quantity transferred for an item can be entered in Packs, or Count Units, or both. For example, if 1.5 Packs of Veg. Burgers in the above example are being transferred, then you can enter 1.5 Packs, 1 Pack, and 24 Patties, or 72 Patties as the transfer quantity.  You can include comments for any item. 

You can enter comments for any item or items that were transferred using the comments column. If you do not want to include an item that is listed then you can select delete. 

If you did not select an inventory group on the Criteria tab, then no items will be displayed on the Entry screen. Click on the plus button "+" at the top right of the screen to search and select an item (see search example below). Entering the quantity transferred or adding comments is the same as above:

Administration of Transfers:

The Transfer feature can also be utilized by a system administrator to view, modify, or report on completed transfer activity between the sites.  Completed transfers are transfers that have been fulfilled (and Approved if transfer approvals are enabled).  When the Transfers feature is selected, all completed transfers between the Sites will display as shown in the example below:

An administrator can select to edit (view or modify) or delete a completed transfer by using the edit or delete functions on the right of each row.  If Edit is selected, please be aware that you cannot modify the criteria tab on a completed transfer.  However, you can modify the status or the inventory items or quantities on the Entry tab:

When you are logged in at the company level and you are viewing or editing a transfer, you can use one of the blue buttons on the bottom left of the items grid to modify the status of the transfer. The options presented by the buttons will vary based on the current status of the transfer you are viewing (a request, a fulfilled, or an approved transfer). 

Mark Fulfilled: If you are viewing an unfilled transfer request, then you can change the status to fulfilled by clicking the Mark Fulfilled button. This button will only display when you are viewing an unfulfilled transfer request.   

Mark Unfulfilled: If the status of a transfer is fulfilled, then you can change the status to unfulfilled by clicking the Mark Unfulfilled button. This button will only display when you are viewing a fulfilled transfer.  

Mark Approved: If the status of a transfer is fulfilled, then you can change the status to approved by clicking the Mark Approved button. This button will only display when you are viewing a fulfilled transfer.  

Mark Unapproved: If the status of a transfer is approved, then you can change the status to unapproved by clicking the Mark Unapproved button. This button will only display when you are viewing an approved transfer.  

Save, Save & Exit, and Exit buttons.

After you have entered the items and quantities that were transferred, you can select save or save & exit.  

Save - Saves the count without exiting.

Save & Exit - Saves and exits the count.

Exit -  Exit without saving.

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