Release Notes - Version 22.09.01


Release 22.09.01 went live on October 17, 2022. Immediately below is a bullet list of the updates and new features in this new release. Below the bullet list is added detail on the new features: 

  • A new "Inventory Depletion" feature for adjusting and tracking known inventory depletions such as donations or promotional activities. 
  • A new feature to Remove Unused Inventory, Combined, or Recipe Items. 
  • The item or transaction add button (formally the "+" button) is now more obvious for end-users. 
  • The Inventory Count Entry Grid will now show the valuation total on the bottom right of the grid display. 
  • Recipe Costs can now be hidden from the Recipe Item Find Grid. 
  • The Recipe Items Listing now includes an option to use the Model or Retail Sales Price. 
  • There is a new Sales Mix import from WooCommerce.
  • The Receiving Find Grid now has an option to export all rows on the grid to a spreadsheet. 
  • A User record will now be saved when the "Send welcome email" button is clicked.
  • Orders can now be exported to RNDC (Republic National Distributing Company). 
  • There is a new "Transfer Amount" column on the "find grid" when you are logged in at the company level. 
  • Inventory Count Worksheets can now be printed for a specific Inventory Department or Category. 
  • The NetSuite accounting integration now includes a Transfer Export for Inter-Company journal entries.
  • A "Summary" option has been added to the Waste Report parameters. 

More Detail:

Below are more detailed explanations for some of the updates and enhancements listed above: 

Inventory Depletion: If you want to enter, track, and report items that are depleted from inventory for known reasons such as charitable or promotional activities, COGS-Well has a new feature called "Inventory Depletion" that can be enabled in your company settings. 

Inventory, Combined, and Recipe items (sold or not sold) can be depleted. After depletion counts are entered, reports can be run, and there is a journal report and export option for accounting. For more detailed information please see this article on Inventory Depletion - FAQs that describes how to set up and use Inventory Depletion. 

Remove Unused Items: Over time, you may no longer be using Inventory, Combined, or Recipe items that you used to be using. You may have flagged these items as being "Inactive", but they will still show up as available in their item-related features. The Remove Unused Items does a "soft delete" that will remove unused items from the "find grids" and item listings. 

Please note that removed items are "soft-deleted" so they can be undeleted if you make a mistake by using the Un-Delete Entries feature. Please also note that any historical transaction data that includes a removed item will not be deleted. An item used as an ingredient in a recipe will also not be deleted. Please click this link for more information about the new Remove Unused Items feature.  

New Add Button: A new button for adding a new item or transaction (as shown on the left) has been updated to make it easier for users to know how to add new items or transactions. You will see this new button wherever COGS-Well used to use the plus ("+") button. Examples of where this new button is utilized are on the Find Grids for the entry of transactions such as counts, transfers, etc., or for the setup features such as items, categories, groups, types, etc.  

Inventory Count Entry - Display Valuation: When adding or viewing an inventory count, you can now see the extension valuation at the bottom right of the entry grid. An example is below:

Receiving Grid Export to a Spreadsheet: The export button highlighted in red below has been added to the top of Receiving find grid.  The values shown in the grid will be exported to Excel (without the underlying invoice detail):

User Record Saved when Welcome Email is sent: When adding or editing a User in the Company Setup feature for Users, clicking on the Send welcome email button will also save the User information on the display without the requirement to also use the Save button. See the example below:

Transfer Amount in Transfer Grid: A column has been added to the Transfer find grid to display the transfer amount. It will only display if you are logged in at the company level. Please see the example below:

Waste Report - Summary Option: If the same item has multiple waste entry counts over the date range selected, and if the Summary option is selected in the report parameters, The report will consolidate the waste for those items. 


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