Report Templates
The first step for configuring a Report Book is to configure one or more Report Templates. Report Books require a Report Template for each report included in the Report Book.
Report Templates will define the Report Parameters that will be used for the selected report. Report Parameters are the fields you normally use to select things like the Site, the date or date range, the Group, Detail or Summary, etc. when you select to run the report.
Things to Know:
- Report Books require a Report Template for each report included in the Report Book.
- Site Groups can be added to a Report Template. If you want to use a Site Group, it should be configured first.
- Report Books can be scheduled to be automatically delivered via Controller Actions.
- COGS-Well Support is happy to help you configure or to configure Report Books for you. Please contact us at
Configuring Report Templates:
To access Report Templates navigate to Tools>Report Bookfs>Report Templates:
Upon selection of Report Templates, you will see a grid displaying any Report Templates that have already been set up. Report Templates that display the Company Name "(Global)" are common templates that COGS-Well support has configured for all of our customers:
Add a New Report Template:
Click on the blue + Add button in the grid header to add a new Report Template. You will see a display like the one below which is on the General Tab of the new Template:
General Tab:
Make Global: Adding a checkmark to this field will make the template available to all of your Users.
Report Definition: Use the dropdown to select a report from the report library. In this example, we will select the Actual Cost of Sales Report.
Override Report Title: If you would like to use a different report name for the template, enter your preferred name in the Override Report Title field. We will not use an override title for this example.
Generate a Separate Report for Each Site: If you have multiple sites, putting a checkmark in this field will generate a separate report for each site when this template is used. We will check this field. Leaving it blank will consolidate the report for all Sites.
Comments: Enter any desired comments in this field. We will reference this template as "Jake's Weekly Operating Report" (only because we have a different internal name for this report).
Report Parameters Tab:
Now we will move to the Report Parameters tab. The Report Parameters on the grid are the same parameters that will display if you run the Actual Cost of Sales report from the reports menu. This grid provides the capability to preselect those parameters:
Site Group: Site Groups provide the ability to include a certain set of Sites in a common group. For example, you might have a District that includes 4 or your 30 total Sites. Site Groups can be set up using the Site Groups Setup feature. Use the drop-down to select a Site Group for this template. For this example, we have selected a Site Group named Jake's which includes 4 sites.
Business Unit: Business Units provide the ability to include a certain Site or set of Sites in a common Business Unit. Business Units are frequently used to define sites that utilize a different accounting system or chart of accounts (like franchisee versus company sites). Business Units can be set up in the Business Units Setup feature. Use the drop-down to select a Business Unit.
Site: Use the drop-down if you want to select a specific Site for the template.
Date Math Syntax: COGS-Well reports typically ask for a date, a date range, or a beginning and ending count date. To enable dates to be preselected in a Report Template, we have created a "Date Math Syntax" for Report Template processing. The Valid Codes are displayed below:
Begin Date: For the Actual Cost of Sales report, we will enter "2C" as the beginning count date because we want to use a count date that was one before the most recent count date.
End Date: For the Actual Cost of Sales report, we will enter "1C" as the ending count date because we want to use the most recent (last) count date.
Count Inventory Group: If you want this Report Parameter to be for a specific inventory group, then use the drop-down to select it. In this example, we have selected to use valuation counts (all items were counted) only.
Summary: The Actual Cost of Sales Report has the option to run in summary or detail. We have selected a summary.
Price Type: The Actual Cost of Sales Report has the option to use Average, Retail, or Model pricing. We have selected the Average.
Our completed Report Template Parameters look like the example below:
Save, Save & Exit, and Exit
Save - Saves the entry or entries without exiting.
Save & Exit- Saves the entries and exits.
Exit - Exits without saving any new entries or edits. You will be asked, "Are you sure"?