Production Worksheet


The Production Worksheet is used to record the quantity of items produced prior to using the Enter Production feature. An example of the Production Worksheet is shown below:

Things to know!

  • This worksheet will only be accessible and visible to users who are given access to this function. 
  • The Production Worksheet runs for a specific Site.  
  • The Production Worksheet can optionally list only the Inventory Items in a selected Production Group.
  • When the production of a Recipe Item is recorded, the ingredients in the recipe are depleted and the Recipe Item is treated as an Inventory Item. For example, a variance between actual and theoretical usage/cost can be calculated on a produced Recipe item (Production Item). A Production Item can also be transferred and counted in inventory.
  • The Production Worksheet can, optionally, calculate suggested quantities to produce using Suggested Quantity Types.  
  • When Suggested QuantityTypes are set up to calculate suggested production, there will be more fields on the Criteria display and more columns on the Worksheet. This article therefore will show examples for both when Suggested Quantity Types are not used and when they are used. 
  • Suggested Quantities are shown by Batch Size. There is an option to configure an SQT to show suggested quantities in Count Units. This FAQ provides more detail.
  • Please click this link for more information on Production Item FAQs.

Production Worksheet Parameters (Suggested Quantity Type is not Used):

To Run a Production Worksheet, use the Sidebar to navigate to the Production menu option and then select the Production Worksheet from the submenu. Upon selection, a Report Parameters screen like the one below will display:

Production Date: Select the date from the calendar for when the Production was done.

Site: Select the Site from the drop-down search that you are recording Production for.  You will only be asked to enter a site if you are logged into your Company (versus a site). 

Production Item Group:  Optionally, select a Production Item Group if you want to only include the Items in that Group. Leaving this field blank will include all Groups. Please note that if this field shows as a required field, it was configured as required in your Company Settings.

Run Report: Once you have selected your report parameters, click the Run Report button to list the report.

Production Worksheet (suggested quantity type is not used):

Selecting to Run the Production Worksheet Report will display a report similar to the below:

Production counts should be entered for the Batch Quantity that was produced.  A Batch is a volume defined in the Recipe Item.  For example, using the above example, the ingredients and their portions in the recipe for Breakfast Gravy create a 5 Quart Batch.

Production Yield: There is an option in Company Settings on the Production Tab to enable Production Yields.  This feature enables you to record what percentage of the Batch Quantity resulted after making the Batch.  Below is an example of the Worksheet with Yield enabled. For more information on Production and Production Yield, please click this link to Production FAQs:  

Report Options: For a description of the toolbar provided at the top of the report, please see "Report Options" for help. Report Options link.

Production Worksheet Parameters (Suggested Quantity Type is Used):

The Parameters display will detect when you set up at least one Suggested Quantity Type that is configured for production. If one exists the display will add a field to select a Suggested Quantity Type (see below). In the example below, the "Next Production Date" field is also being displayed because the Production Suggested Quantity Type was configured to include a Usage Projection

Suggested Quantity Type: This field only applies if you want COGS-Well to suggest quantities for each item and if you have already configured at least one Suggested Quantity Type for transfer requests via the Inventory Setup feature.  Use the drop-down to select a Suggested Quantity Type. 

Next Production Date: This field will only display if you select a Suggested Quantity Type that includes a Usage Projection. This date is needed because a Usage Projection needs to cover the days between the Production Date and the Next Production Date. 

Par Level Type: This field will only display if you select a Suggested Quantity Type that includes the use of Par Levels in the suggested quantity configuration. Par Level Types and Par Levels are set up in Inventory>Setup>Par Levels. Par Levels enable you to configure a "Minimum" and an "Order To" quantity for each inventory item. Use the drop-down to select a par-level type.

Production Worksheet - Suggested Quantity Type is Used:

An example of the Production Worksheet that is using a Suggested Quantity Type is below: 

Columns: When a Suggested Quantity Type is included, columns for Batches On-Hand, Projected Quantity (if a Usage Projection was included), and a Suggested Batch Quantity will be added to the Worksheet. For full explanations of On-Hand, Projected Quantity, and Suggested Quantity, please see this link on Production Entry and view the sections on "Suggested Quantity Type is Used". 

Report Options: For a description of the toolbar provided at the top of the report, please see "Report Options" for help. Report Options link.

Re-display Report Parameters: After a worksheet has been run, the carrot ("^") at the upper right side of the report (next to the Close button) will re-display the report parameters. This option can be used in the event you want to change parameters and re-run the worksheet or report.

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