Enter Production
The Enter Production feature enables you to enter or review Production Counts. Production is the quantity of a Recipe Item that you produce.
Production is a way to track the quantity or "batches" being made and used for a Recipe Item that you prepare. If a Recipe Item is flagged for production, COGS-Well references it as a Production Item". Typically, Production Items are recipes that you prepare in advance and sell later (as a Sales Item or as an ingredient in a Sales Item).
An example of a Production Item is a Chicken Salad that is made in advance in a 5-gallon batch and then later used as an ingredient in Chicken Salads and Chicken Salad Sandwiches Sales Items. Please click this link to Production FAQs for more information. An example of the production entry grid is shown below:
Things to know!
- This feature will only be accessible and visible to users who are given access to it.
- This function will only be accessible if you have enabled the Production feature in your Company Settings.
- Production counts can first be recorded on a "Production Worksheet" (see Recipe Reports) and then be entered via the Enter Production function, or they can be entered directly via a mobile Tablet. For more information on the worksheet please click this link: Production Worksheet.
- Production, for the desired date range, can be reported. For more info please see this link: Production Report.
- If you want COGS-Well to suggest Production quantities then Suggested Quantity Types should be preconfigured and then selected on the Production Worksheet and/or Production Entry criteria display.
- When Suggested QuantityTypes are set up to calculate suggested production, there will be more fields on the Criteria display and more columns on the Entry display. This article therefore will show examples for both when Suggested Quantity Types are not used and when they are used with Production.
- Suggested Quantities are shown by Batch Size. There is an option to configure an SQT to show suggested quantities in Count Units. This FAQ provides more detail.
- There is an option to enter Production "Yields". More information on Yields is provided below.
- Production Options are configured in your Company Settings.
Production Entry:
It is important to know that there are options for Production Entry in COGS-Well to either use COGS-Well to suggest a quantity for each item (Suggested Production) or not. Below we will first review entering production when Suggested Quantity Types are not set up and then we review when they are.
To add, review, edit, or delete Production, use the Sidebar to navigate to the Production menu option and then select the Enter Production feature from the submenu. Upon selection, a "Find Grid" similar to the one below will display a listing of all of your Production Transaction Entries.
Find Grid Definitions:
+ Add, Export, and Search Options:
- The blue "+ Add" button is used to add a new transaction.
- The "XLSX" button will export the information on the grid to a spreadsheet.
- The search option can find any part of a word or date on the grid. When you start typing your search criteria, the search will be initiated.
Edit/Delete: Click the button to the right of the row that you wish to edit or delete.
# of Transactions that Display: If you use the "Close Inventory" feature, and your Company Settings are not configured to hide Count transactions after a Count is Closed, you will see transactions before the most current count.
Special Find Grid Search, Filter, and Sort Tools:
- Magnifying Glass Icon: The magnifying glass at the top of each column in the above grid has a search function that enables you to search within that field. If you hover your mouse over the magnifying class you will see options to use to refine your search.
- Magnifying Glass and Calendar Icon: If a column has a magnifying glass and a calendar at the top of the column, the calendar can be used to select a date, and if you hover over the magnifying glass after you select a date, you will have options to refine the filter (such as equal to or greater than the selected date).
The Find Grid includes more tools to help you find, filter, or sort the information on the grid according to your requirements. Some of these tools are intuitive, but other helpful tools can easily be overlooked. Please click this link for more information on Find Grid Tools - FAQs.
Add or Edit Production Counts (Suggested Quantity Type is not Used):
When you select to add a new Production Count or Edit an existing Count, a Criteria Tab like below will display. If you are editing an existing Count, then the Production Date, Site, and Inventory Group fields cannot be changed:
Criteria Tab (Suggested Quantity Type is not Used:
Site: Enter the Site (use the drop-down to search or type to search) where the Production was done. You will only be asked to enter a site if you are logged into your Company (versus a site).
Production Date: Enter the date (use calendar search) that the Production was done.
Production Item Group: If you have set up an Inventory Group for Production Items you can select it here, and then only those items will be listed in the production entry display. Please note that if this field shows as a required field, it was configured as required in your Company Settings.
Next or Close: The next button will advance you to the Entry tab. The close button will close this transaction.
Production Items Entry Tab (Suggested Quantity Type is not Used:
Once you have added your Criteria, click on the "Next" button or the "Entry" tab and a screen similar to below will display. If you are entering a new production count, the Batch Quantities will be empty. If you are editing a count, the previous entries will display:
Production Entry - Production Yields are not enabled in your Company Settings.
All Items meeting the Criteria will be displayed in the entry grid. Use the column search options to search for specific items or packaging sizes. If you are adding a new Production Count, the Batch Quantities will be empty. If you are editing a Count, you will see the previous entries. Each column in the above display has a search function that enables you to search within that field.
Batch Cost: This is a display of what it currently costs to prepare a Batch of a Production Item based on the Batch Size.
Batch Quantity: Enter the number of Batches produced for the Item in the row.
Batch Size: This is the size of a Batch that was defined when the recipe for this Item was set up or last modified.
Special Buttons: Use the "+" button to add a new Item. Use the toggle button to find Items with no count entry.
Extended Production Cost: This is the cost for each produced item based on the Batch Quantity made and the current cost of ingredients in the recipe.
Production Yields are enabled in your Company Settings: There is an option in Company Settings to enable Yield in Production Entry. Because a Recipe Item's Batch Size is not always going to perfectly match the actual batch size that resulted from making (producing) the Recipe Item, Yield enables you to adjust for any differences. Please see the example below:
Production Yield %: In the above example the percentage of the Batch Size that was yielded for each Production Item after it was Produced is entered in the Yield % column. For example, the yield after production for 1 batch of Chicken Saltually 3 gallons. So 109% was entered (3 divided by 2.75) as the Yield %. By entering yield % percentages, the usage and cost for Chicken Salad will be adjusted for the actual yield. You can see the Batch Cost adjustment for each Production Item in the Yielded Cost column.
Criteria Tab - Suggested Quantity Type is Used:
If a Suggested Quantity Type has been set up for Production, then the Criteria display will include fields related to the suggested quantity calculation as shown below:
Production Entry Tab (Suggested Quantity Type is Used):
If you selected a Suggested Quantity Type that includes a Usage Projection, then columns are added for "On Hand", "Projected" and a "Suggested" Qty" to the Production Entry display. Please see the below example:
On Hand: On Hand is a calculation of the theoretical quantity of an item on hand. The calculation looks at an item's last count, adds production since the last count, subtracts production usage (the amount used due to the production entry of other production items that have this item in their recipe ingredients, and subtracts waste (if you enter waste), subtracts theoretical usage based on sales and recipes, subtracts expired product (see below for a definition), and adds or subtracts requested from or requested to transfer quantities.
If you ever want to see how the on-hand quantity was calculated, then highlight that cell and click on it. You will get a display like the one below:
Suggested Quantity Details:
Projected: The Projected column displays the Usage Projection Quantity. Please see this link for more information on Usage Projections.
Suggested Quantity: The formula for the Suggested Quantity for each item is the pack's on-Hand (which we explained above), plus the Projected Need Quantity, minus the Minimum Par Quantity. You can also bring up the calculation for the suggested quantity by clicking on the suggested qty cell for the item you are curious about. The suggested batch always rounds up.
Minimum Par Quantity: The Minimum Par Quantity is the quantity you are willing to go down to before an order is suggested. The Order to Par Quantity is the quantity you want to have after your order is delivered. Please click this link for more information on Par Levels.
Expired Production Quantity: Recipe Items that are flagged for Production can, optionally, be given a Shelf Life. The Shelf Life for a production item is how long you will keep it (in the number of days) before you no longer consider it useable.
When a calculated on-hand amount for a production item is calculated, the Shelf Life will then factor into the suggested production quantity calculation for each item. The use of Shelf Life is optional and it only makes sense to enter it for a suggested quantity to produce if you are counting and entering production quantities for this produced item.
Projected Need Quantity: This is a Usage Projection that is calculated based on the number of days between the Production Date and the Next Production Date. The formula for a Usage Projection is set up within the Suggested Quantity Type configuration. If you would like more information on Projected Need then please click this link to Usage Projections.
Save, Save & Exit, and Exit
At the bottom of the screen are the Save, Save & Exit, Send to Vendor, and Exit buttons.
Save - Saves the count without exiting.
Save & Exit - Saves and exits the count.
Exit - Exit without saving.