Prep Worksheet


The Prep Worksheet is used to suggest and record preparation quantities for Recipe Items that you prepare, but do not sell. COGS-Well refers to these items as "Prepared or Prep Items". An example of a Prep Item is Chicken salad which is made in 5-gallon batches and later used in Chicken Salad Sandwiches. Please click this link if you would like an overview of all Suggested Prep features.

Suggested Quantity to Prepare; The Suggested Quantity calculation for Prep Items on the Prep Worksheet is based on calculated on-hand and projected usage values for each Prep Item. There is an option to include shelf life in the calculation. Please click this link if you would like more information on Usage Projections.

Prep Items versus Production Items: Suggested Prep can also be done for Recipe Items that are flagged as Production Items. Production Items are treated like inventory items in COGS-Well reporting while the reporting for Prep Items uses the Prep Item's ingredients. Please click this link for a more detailed explanation of Production Items.

Things to know!

  • Please click this link if you would like an overview of all Suggested Prep features.
  • Suggested Prep must be enabled on the Recipe Item tab in your Company Settings, for the Suggested Prep features to show up on your menu. 
  • The Prep Worksheet runs for a specific Site.  
  • The Prep Worksheet can be run for one day or a week.
  • The Prep Worksheet can be optionally run for a specific Prep Group. 
  • The Prep Worksheet calculates projected usage and suggested quantities to prepare. Please click this link for more information on Usage Projections.
  • At least one Suggested Quantity Type needs to be configured for Suggested Prep.
  • Prepared Item counts can be entered from the worksheet into the Prep Entry feature.

Prep Worksheet:

After selecting the Prep Worksheet from the Recipe & Sales Worksheet menu, you will land on a worksheet parameters display from the menu as shown in the example below:

Site: Use the drop-down to select a Site (required field).

Worksheet Type: Use the drop-down to select either the Daily or Weekly option.

Prep Date: Select the date from the calendar for when you plan to do the prep work.

Prep Group: If you have set up and assigned items to a Prep Group(s), use the drop-down to select a group.

Suggested Quantity Type: A Suggested Quantity Type allows you to configure the calculation for a Usage Projection. Use the drop-down to select a Suggested Quantity type.

Par Level: If you have configured Par Levels for your Suggested Quantity Type for Prep Items, then you can use the drop-down to select a Par Level. Otherwise, you will not see this field.

Run Report: Once you have selected your report parameters, click the Run Report button to list the report.

Prep Worksheet - Single Day: The Prep Worksheet below has been run for a single day and the Prepared Items Prep Group. It is using the Prep Items Suggested Quantity Type. You can record the number of batches prepared in the Prepped Quantity column.

Prep Worksheet - One Week: Below is an example of the Prep Worksheet for one week. This report suggests quantities, but does not include spaces to record the actual quantities:


The Projected Quantity calculation looks at theoretical usage for each Prep Item for the last 6 weeks and calculates an average daily usage based on the batch size for each item.

The Calculated (Theoretical) On-Hand calculation looks at the most recent inventory count, plus the quantity prepped, minus theoretical usage from sales, minus waste, minus expirations due to shelf life, to calculate on hand for each Prep Item.

The Suggested Quantity calculation uses a theoretical inventory on hand, plus projected quantity, minus expiration to calculate the amount suggested for each item. The quantity to prep is rounding up to the next even batch size.   

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